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Yebber Ambassadors are a group of members in the community that love sharing in Yebber! For the past years, Yebber ambassadors have greatly contributed by helping out in Yebber events such as Fashion Fusion Bazaar, Christmas Party and eat out sessions. Such dedication and contribution should not go unnoticed and here are the Yebber Ambassadors! We are still looking out for new Ambassadors to join the team. Visit the Yebber Ambassador page to find out more!
Leenie Pigs has a total of 427 reviews 427
Bobo has a total of 181 reviews 181
Polarbear has a total of 122 reviews 122
Lucardia has a total of 238 reviews 238
TrumPat has a total of 51 reviews 51
vtay has a total of 29 reviews 29
Jeslyn Tee
Jeslyn Tee has a total of 108 reviews 108
ladyironchef has a total of 311 reviews 311
andyedward83 has a total of 4 reviews 4
whiteblanko has a total of 62 reviews 62
Past Winners has conducted a Bi-weekly review writing contest from May 2007 to Nov 2007 to encourage Yebbers to share their experiences. A winner is selected every 2 weeks based on the quality and quantity of reviews written. Each winner listed below walked away with $100 cash!
zihui has a total of 129 reviews 129
Bi-weekly Prize Winner for May 16, 2007 - May 31, 2007
tinkerbell has a total of 49 reviews 49
Bi-weekly Prize Winner for May 1, 2007 - May 15, 2007
Bobo has a total of 181 reviews 181
Bi-weekly Prize Winner for June 16, 2007 - June 30, 2007
kormmandos has a total of 93 reviews 93
Bi-weekly Prize Winner for June 1, 2007 - June 15, 2007
claud has a total of 202 reviews 202
Bi-weekly Prize Winner for July 1, 2007 - July 15, 2007
Gwen has a total of 12 reviews 12
Bi-weekly Prize Winner for July 16, 2007 - July 31, 2007
azu|ki has a total of 18 reviews 18
Bi-weekly Prize Winner for August 1, 2007 - August 15, 2007
topaz has a total of 36 reviews 36
Bi-weekly Prize Winner for August 16, 2007 - August 31, 2007
Leenie Pigs has a total of 427 reviews 427
Bi-weekly Prize Winner for September 1, 2007 - September 15, 2007
feizhu has a total of 520 reviews 520
Bi-weekly Prize Winner for September 16, 2007 - September 30, 2007
Nemesis has a total of 99 reviews 99
Bi-weekly Prize Winner for October 1, 2007 - October 15, 2007
Polarbear has a total of 122 reviews 122
Bi-weekly Prize Winner for October 16, 2007 - October 31, 2007
Lucardia has a total of 238 reviews 238
Bi-weekly Prize Winner for November 1, 2007 - November 15, 2007
Great Sage has a total of 95 reviews 95
Bi-weekly Prize Winner for November 16, 2007 - November 30, 2007

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