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True Spa - Beauty and Wellness     34   0 


"I remember the time when I received free trials by True Yoga. The vicinity did entice me and I was attracted to the facilities in True Yoga..." [Read more about True Spa]

by Suhana Harith

True Spa - Beauty and Wellness     34   0 


"Its not a surprise to me when I read the papers on the complaints made against True Spa. I am also a member and was unhappy from my first bo..." [Read more about True Spa]

by Not a True Spa

SAKURA International Buffet Restaurant (Clementi Woods) - Restaurants     4   0 


"Sakura, sakura.. I got to know about it first at Ginza Plaza. Man, it was quiet and romantic, back then.. My boyfriend and I use to patroniz..." [Read more about SAKURA International Buffet Restaurant (Clementi Woods)]

by Suhana Harith

Fabulous Group Singapore (Orchard) - Beauty and Wellness     1   0 


"I have been for one TRIAL Tanning session. It lasted for 11 minutes. It was kinda scary at first. You know it reminded me of the Final Desti..." [Read more about Fabulous Group Singapore (Orchard)]

by Suhana Harith

Amore Fitness (Jurong Point) - Beauty and Wellness     1   0 


"I would reccomend Amore Fitness to every single ladies who are determine to lose some weight and stay fit with a little bit of discipline. A..." [Read more about Amore Fitness (Jurong Point)]

by Suhana Harith

The Smile Division (dental surgery @ CCK Pte Ltd) - Beauty and Wellness     1   2 


"Finally, my worst fear has caught up with me. TOOTHACHE! It had already affected the nerve. The agonizing pain was driving me hell and back...." [Read more about The Smile Division (dental surgery @ CCK Pte Ltd)]

by topaz 

Dozo (Valley Point Shopping Centre) - Restaurants     3   0 


Photos of Dozo (Valley Point Shopping Centre) - RestaurantsPhotos of Dozo (Valley Point Shopping Centre) - RestaurantsPhotos of Dozo (Valley Point Shopping Centre) - RestaurantsPhotos of Dozo (Valley Point Shopping Centre) - RestaurantsPhotos of Dozo (Valley Point Shopping Centre) - Restaurants

"Dozo - the upscale sibling of Tao's Restaurant that dabbles in fine modern Japanese cuisine. Dozo, which means please in Japanese, operates ..." [Read more about Dozo (Valley Point Shopping Centre)]

by feizhu 

True Spa - Beauty and Wellness     34   0 


"Hi All, Glad that found this forum, and I will like to join the force to sue this True Spa. I'm a victim since joined 2007. At 1st, my e..." [Read more about True Spa]

by Angelbird

7atenine - Restaurants     4   2 


Photos of 7atenine - RestaurantsPhotos of 7atenine - RestaurantsPhotos of 7atenine - RestaurantsPhotos of 7atenine - RestaurantsPhotos of 7atenine - Restaurants

"One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Seven. Ate. Nine. Ten. Esplanade we were at, yet it certainly didn’t feel anything like Esplanade. The ..." [Read more about 7atenine]

by ladyironchef 

True Spa - Beauty and Wellness     34   0 


"Im member in True spa and find it very very difficult to book an appointment. I find it ridiculous we need to take an appointment two weeks..." [Read more about True Spa]

by butterfly

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