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3 Temasek Boulevard, Suntec City Mall, #02-028
Shopping » Fashion
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      » 1 Review for “Alegra ” - Shopping

    2. adeline.chong.39
       19 Jul 2014 at 11:02 am

      They don't price tag their shoes - heels are averagely $99.90 each.

      I bought 2 undisplayed pairs from their Chevron House outlet recently and almost immediately after, I saw one exact same pair at Gripz (their neighbour a couple of units away). Gripz was retailing this pair at $79.90 and their inner lining is of genuine leather (pardon my ignorance, but from what I see, Alegra's inner lining is not.)

      If it's a slight difference of a few dollars, I honestly wouldn't mind. But the price difference of $20 was too much for me not to try to do something about it... So the very same night, I wrote an email to them politely asking if they could advise / justify the variance. Otherwise, if I could return the shoes and get a full refund, or at least a refund of $20.

      I was just trying my luck, really. Wasn't expecting much from them except an apology and some return and refund policy **** to close this feedback. BUT no, I've heard nothing from them since I sent the email one month ago. "Thumbs up" for their customer and after sales service...

      I haven't worn this pair once, and oh, the other pair bites... real bad.

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