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seraphine's Latest Review
 21 Nov 2007 at 5:04 pm

You know that something is worth trying when your foreign friend raves about it and drags you to join the queue. I mean, it's that good that people overseas know about it.

So poor deprived old me had never heard of Tip Top Curry Puff until this friend told me about me. So we did the singaporean thing and queued. Came out of the queue with 5 piping hot curry puffs, I swear I thought the bag was gonna melt from the heat. But therein lies the beauty of it. It's that hot because the turnover is extremely fast, people buy them almost as fast as they get cooked, so freshness is guaranteed.

I'm not really a spicy food person but the curry puff was good. U can taste the spices and not be overwhelmed by the chilli taste. And it's not dripping with oil. If I didn't know any better I would have thought that they were baked, rather than deep fried. My favourite part is the filling, you actually bite into pieces of chicken and the hard boiled egg is not diced into microscopic pieces, you can ac...   

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Katrine Poon

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Tip Top Curry Puff (Ang Mo Kio Central)
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