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vtay's Reviews

    1411. Cafe del Mar   
       29 Mar 2007 at 5:13 pm
    Category: Bars and Pubs
    Kilkenny Kilkenny says:

    Perhaps thanks to their marketing efforts, there seem to be a lot of hype about this new Café del Mar. The place's beautiful, with music pumping throughout the night (though I don't particularly liked them).

    Chilling out there with a couple of friends was overall a pretty pleasant experience. But honestly, it failed to capture my heart. And being located all the way out in Sentosa didn't help.

    Rating given:Rating: 3 out of 5Rating: 3 out of 5Rating: 3 out of 5Rating: 3 out of 5Rating: 3 out of 5

    1412. Zouk   
       28 Mar 2007 at 11:45 am
    Category: Dance Clubs
    Kilkenny Kilkenny says:

    Opened in 1991, Zouk is one of the longest running dance clubs in Singapore. The crowd is awesome, the drinks are potent, and the music really rock my socks off!

    Fridays and Saturdays are my favorite nights. For those of you into retro music, there's also Mambo Night (aka Mambo Jambo) every Wednesday.

    Zouk can get way too crowded at times though. Dancing becomes difficult, and getting shoved becomes inevitable.

    Rating given:Rating: 4 out of 5Rating: 4 out of 5Rating: 4 out of 5Rating: 4 out of 5Rating: 4 out of 5

    1413. John 3:16   
       26 Mar 2007 at 12:20 am
    Category: Photography
    Kilkenny Kilkenny says:

    If good service is what you really like, this is THE place to visit for your photography equipment needs. For the few times I've been there, Samuel and Leslie were REALLY friendly and helpful.

    The staffs all seem to have great product knowledge, and they really do give you honest opinions on which product would be more suitable for your needs.

    They are not perfect, of course. Their prices may be a little higher than some cheaper photography shops in Singapore, but they are still very reasonable. And being a small shop with all the staffs providing excellent service, it is inevitable that the shop can get crowded at times, and getting any service at all can be difficult.

    So do drop by during non-peak hours, and you will be amazed by the service they provide. I was so surprised that Sam could already remember me by name after patronizing them only once!

    Definitely a 5-star!

    Rating given:Rating: 5 out of 5Rating: 5 out of 5Rating: 5 out of 5Rating: 5 out of 5Rating: 5 out of 5

    1414. PS. Cafe   
       26 Mar 2007 at 12:04 am
    Category: Fusion
    Kilkenny Kilkenny says:

    Unlike spindoctor, I've been there for only their desserts and drinks. Their chocolate cakes are really chocolatey and nice! Great place to hang out with my friends for relaxing conversations.

    What stopped me from giving PS Cafe a 5-star is its location. Driving there is almost a must.

    Rating given:Rating: 4 out of 5Rating: 4 out of 5Rating: 4 out of 5Rating: 4 out of 5Rating: 4 out of 5

    1415. Km8   
       22 Mar 2007 at 2:38 am
    Category: Bars and Pubs
    Kilkenny Kilkenny says:

    Sarong Fly is indeed nice. But the place's a little quiet even on weekends. Great for a romantic stargazing (if there are even stars) night, and for gossip sessions with a group of friends.

    Rating given:Rating: 4 out of 5Rating: 4 out of 5Rating: 4 out of 5Rating: 4 out of 5Rating: 4 out of 5

    1416. Wala Wala Cafe Bar   
       02 Mar 2007 at 4:20 am
    Category: Bars and Pubs
    Kilkenny Kilkenny says:

    Excellent place to chill out! Probably the liveliest place to be in Holland Village. The live band performance and the enthusiastic crowd is what make the place a favorite of mine.

    Every Thursday and Saturday, The UnXpected will play here. Shirlyn's lovely voice, Brandon's drumming skills, and Rene's proficiency with his guitar never fails to amaze me.

    Oh, their chicken wings and alcohols are awesome too!

    Rating given:Rating: 5 out of 5Rating: 5 out of 5Rating: 5 out of 5Rating: 5 out of 5Rating: 5 out of 5

       02 Mar 2007 at 1:15 am
    Category: Bakeries
    Kilkenny Kilkenny says:

    BreadTalk makes really nice breads and cakes, which sell at affordably low prices. I love their pork floss buns! Also great for grabbing some food on the way to work.

    Rating given:Rating: 5 out of 5Rating: 5 out of 5Rating: 5 out of 5Rating: 5 out of 5Rating: 5 out of 5

       26 Feb 2007 at 7:26 am
    Category: Pet Shops
    Kilkenny Kilkenny says:

    I really dislike shops with narrow aisles, and this is one of them! I guess this is coming from the need for them to carry products for different types of pets, within such limited space.

    Still a good place to grab some pet food while you are out shopping at Plaza Singapura!

    Rating given:Rating: 3 out of 5Rating: 3 out of 5Rating: 3 out of 5Rating: 3 out of 5Rating: 3 out of 5

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