//php echo $count; ?>muffinasylum
01 May 2007 at 12:05 pm
. : Message from the muffinhead :. Hey love! Garrison Keillor said, “I believe that sometimes you have to look reality in the eye and deny it.” I agree, that’s why I have the asylum, muffinasylum rather, and I’m welcoming you to it. http://muffinasylum.blogspot.com the muffinasylum, is a collection of handmade quirks -necklaces, bracelets, earrings, rings and other knick-knacks the muffinhead can think of. Affectionately known as muffins, these creations has many personalities. Vintage, punk, funk, pretty, et cetera. Btw, who’s garrison keillor you might ask? He’s a 6’4” tall guy. You can google the rest. And for that ounce of personality, there is only one piece per item. No remakes. We’re not a factory for gawdsakes. See ya soon! love, [Read more] |