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butters_thump's Latest Review
 15 May 2007 at 8:39 am

Seriously, smoking is a person's choice. Do you think a smoker is totally oblivious to the detrimental effects of smoking? There are ads everywhere! The gory pictures on the boxes are only getting bigger, and the number of campaigns to put forth the message have only been on the rise.

If the point of the campaigns are to raise awareness, then it's all good. The message has been sent, job well done. But these campaigns don't stop there, their real motive is to eradicate the smoking population. If this was not true, then why are they resorting to the use of 'fear' to communicate this point? Fear is never used for informative purposes, but instead, it is used to intimidate.

In one's life, a person will pick up a countless array of activities. Be it from collecting matchboxes to sadomachoism, it is the person's choice. You may inform the person of the after effects, and kudos to you for doing so, but what in the world would even make you think about telling a person how to live his or he...   

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