07 Feb 2008 at 9:21 am
Unlike Great Sage, I had an enjoyable time with friends eating at Food Anytime. I was at IKEA opposite and realized that Anchorpoint had finished renovating so I popped by there. I learnt that almost all their things on the menu are home made. I rarely get to taste home made desserts and snacks in the States... I ordered my favourite- Century Egg Porridge. It was as good as the one in Crysal Jade. The texture was not so thick, and it was smooth. A friend had chee cheong fun. Which I personally find amusing because it was served with char siew? or shrimps! The skin was not too thick and the sauce was unusal. Not your normal sweet paste sauce... We also ordered Sesame Paste, Mango Pomelo and Yam Cake. However whilst eating the Yam Cake, I did not find it tasteless or anything. I don't even eat it with chilli and it was a good and natural taste. Not so starchy like the other stalls. The Sesame Paste and Mango Pomelo are on par with other HK Dessert cafes and they are... [Read more] |

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