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natsu's Reviews

    71. The Singapore Flyer   
       03 Mar 2008 at 4:36 pm
    claud claud says:

    I had a chance to take a ride on the Singapore Flyer before it was officially opened to public. I was very very excited and was looking forward to the flight. I was there at night and as it was not open to public yet, there wasn't much people there. The flyer was lighted in blue neon color at night and gives a very dreamy feeling at night.

    Everyone has to pass through a security check, like at the customs, before entering the boarding area. To get to the flyer itself takes abit of walking and couple of escalator. And before stepping onto the boarding platform, everyone will enter into a mock up of the capsule where photos will be taken. ($15 for the first photo, $10 for subsequent copies.) This photo is supposed to be superimposed into the back drop and show as if we took it while riding on the Singapore Flyer. You can buy the photo after the flight with the magnetic tag passed to you at the mock up photo taking area.

    Finally we saw the capsule! Boarding the capsule can be rather tricky. It continues to move as everyone rushed up to get into the capsule before the boarding period passes. I wonder if they carter for handicaps entrance. Probably they'll have to stop the moving flyer for such boardings. The capsule was not as big as I’d imagined. 24 of us standing around the capsule already seemed rather packed and it was rather warm inside the capsule. Can't imagine hot hot it might be in the day when the sun is above.

    The view from the top of the capsule was magnificent. You get to see the beautiful skyline from high above. It's recommended that you move around the capsule and enjoy the entire 360-degree view. If you are planning to take photos, its advisable to bring a tripod and set it up before you're 1/4 way up the flight. The glass used isn't suitable for photo taking with flash. So you'll have to have very steady hands or use flash and missed out the beautiful backdrop in the background of your photo.

    I'll probably return for another flight when the construction of Marina Bay is complete. Now only one side has got good view.

    Rating given:Rating: 4 out of 5Rating: 4 out of 5Rating: 4 out of 5Rating: 4 out of 5Rating: 4 out of 5

       03 Mar 2008 at 4:36 pm
    Category: Mexican, Steakhouses
    claud claud says:

    The first impression I got when I stepped into the cafe is the use of bright colors and 2 huge Jalapeno plushie on display at the capsule display near the entrance. There's a row of booth seats thats great for big group gatherings. Very cosy place to chill out and enjoy the night with friends.

    As I was there for an event, I didn't get to take a look at their menu. Everyone was served a sampler plate with fried calamari, wedges, soft burrito and some jalapeno-liked thing with stuffings. I like the fried calamari as it was tasty and crispy. Would surely order this if I go back again. And the jalapeno was as flavorful, not sure wat's inside the stuffing thou as I was too hungry to slowly taste and analyzes them.

    Perhaps Yebbers can arrange a gathering there? Hmm...

    Rating given:Rating: 4 out of 5Rating: 4 out of 5Rating: 4 out of 5Rating: 4 out of 5Rating: 4 out of 5

    73. Seasons Reasons   
       03 Mar 2008 at 4:35 pm
    Category: Fusion
    claud claud says:

    Seasons Reasons was featured on TV a few times and finally I got a chance to settle for lunch one day. The place is hidden at a corner and easily missed if one isn't noticing. The place can hold about 30-40 pax and is simply decorated with white tables and chairs. Good place for quick meal but not so comfortable for chilling out with friends.

    The choice of food is quite small, and I settled with something special that day. I ordered the Spicy Spaghetti Goreng
    Topped with Mussels & Shrimps @ $13.90 and a glass of Orange Spice. When the spaghetti was served, the smell of Tom Yum filled my senses. I was attracted to it and wanted to deep my fork in it as fast as I could. The presentation was enticing too. The color makes it appealing enough for even my friend who came later to order the same dish. After my first taste of it, I knew immediately I'll return for more if I've the chance. The spaghetti is cooked with some spice that resembles those used in Tom Yum. Very fragrance and nice. Shrimps were plentiful and the mussels were fresh. Serving is big enough to fill any hungry man/woman. Yummilicious pasta!

    Rating given:Rating: 4 out of 5Rating: 4 out of 5Rating: 4 out of 5Rating: 4 out of 5Rating: 4 out of 5

    74. Waffletown   
       03 Mar 2008 at 4:35 pm
    Category: American, Desserts
    claud claud says:

    After hearing about Waffletown from His Food Blog in the shoutbox, I went there to give it a try since I was around the vicinity. The place looks very retro and brings back memory of the A&W days, without the big brown bear wearing the orange top. There were many students when we arrived. Half of them eating cup noodles! Strangely, waffletown is more like a cafeteria that serves other kind of food other than waffles and fried chicken.

    As recommended, I ordered the Strawberry Ala Mode Waffles. The waffles are rectangle and topped with real strawberries, whipped cream and a scoop of ice cream of choice. I've to agree that the waffles is simply divine! I fell in love at first bite! I'm craving for their waffles now! *drooools*

    I also tried their fried chicken set that comes with whipped potato and coslaw. Quite disappointing with this one thou. The chicken was rather small and there's nothing special about it. Arnold's chicken is much more yummy lah. So Wafflestown is just for waffles huh.

    Rating given:Rating: 4 out of 5Rating: 4 out of 5Rating: 4 out of 5Rating: 4 out of 5Rating: 4 out of 5

       03 Mar 2008 at 4:34 pm
    Category: Bakeries
    claud claud says:

    Had passed by Chewy Juniors couple of time when I was at Bugis Junction, but the queue was long most of the time. When I saw that there wasn't any queue one day, I bought a box of 6 to try. There were quite a number of choices and I settled with the more common ones. Couple of toppings worth mentioning is the Strawberry Cheesecake and Blueberry Cheesecake. I like the blend of sweetness and sourness from the cheese.

    Chewy Juniors is almost like a combination of donuts and cream puff. With an almost crispy outside and soft chewy inside. Toppings just gave the puff more texture and taste. Can give it a try if you're craving for something sweet.

    Rating given:Rating: 3 out of 5Rating: 3 out of 5Rating: 3 out of 5Rating: 3 out of 5Rating: 3 out of 5

       03 Mar 2008 at 4:34 pm
    claud claud says:

    After reading the two very different takes on this place, I went last week to try it out myself. The place looks very different from how I'd pictured it. It was nicely done up and looks very appealing. When I was there around 5.30pm, there were already 2 families ordering in the restaurant. One thing I've to agree with Lucardia is that the photos in the menu really did make the food look more appealing than it really was. And I've also spotted the reason why the above reviews were so different. They've actually changed their menu after genesis review and before Lucardia went. They'd also increased their pricing! I suspect that they've changed the cook too.

    Anyway, since I was already there, we went ahead to order. I ordered a medium-rare Cumin-rubbed Sirloin Steak @ $12.90, my bf ordered a medium done Sizzling Sirloin with blackpepper sauce @ $10.90. The Gratinated half mussels, @ $6.90, looked interesting so we ordered it too. For drinks, we had a sarsi float @ $3 and a mocha latte ice blended @ $5.

    The wait for the food took alittle too long since there wasn't much people around. While waiting, our drinks came and they gave us a complimentary basket of chips. This chip tasted like some Hari Raya goodies. They should probably just use potato chips instead. The mocha latte was badly done. It was too diluted and didn't taste like mocha latte at all. Sarsi float was alright since its just normal soda with ice cream.

    Soon, our steak came, before the starters (or tapas as they'd called it). It didn't look as appealing as seen on the photos in the menu, but still the smell was pretty good. When I cut into my steak, the steak was overcooked to medium done instead of my medium-rare. It was too tough and the layer of fats was pretty big as compared to the rest I'd seen elsewhere. Taste wise, its nothing to rave about. Soon my bf's sizzling sirloin came. And guess what! His was cooked to medium-rare! Bravo! They'd mixed up our steak! We ended up eating the other's order instead since he's not a fan of bloody steak. The blackpepper sauce was pretty good as compared to the cumin one.

    The mussels were the best catch for us that day. Interesting taste with the toppings, which tasted like cheese and some flakes-like toppings.

    Before we left, the person on duty told us that the restaurant is there to serve the community. All the earnings from the restaurants actually goes back to charity and to help the needy. It's under the management of Jeewa Ltd and incooperation with Jamiyah Singapore.

    Overall, the experience at J's Wok and Grill was quite a disappointment. Considering we actually drove around Bedok just to find the place.

    Rating given:Rating: 3 out of 5Rating: 3 out of 5Rating: 3 out of 5Rating: 3 out of 5Rating: 3 out of 5

    77. CJS Catering   
       03 Mar 2008 at 4:33 pm
    Category: Buffet
    claud claud says:

    At an event I attended recently, they had CJS catering for tea break and lunch. The presentation was simple and the food didn't look appertising to me. Tea break looks normal with puffs and sandwiches. Didn't taste them as I wasn't hungry. By lunch, everyone was hungry, and I joined the queue for the buffet spread. There was the usual cauliflower, sweet and sour fish, beef stew, some chicken cooked with cheese and vege spring rolls. Almost all the dishes tasted blend in my opinion. The only passable one is the sweet and sour fish. I'm sure not going to recommend this to anyone who's looking for caterers.

    Rating given:Rating: 1 out of 5Rating: 1 out of 5Rating: 1 out of 5Rating: 1 out of 5Rating: 1 out of 5

    78. Airshow 2008   
       28 Feb 2008 at 9:03 am
    Category: Uncategorized
    Polarbear Polarbear says:

    Back from the Singapore Airshow and got to say that I am truly disappointed with it. Sigh.... Sad to say that I still prefer Asian Aerospace 2 years ago. Continue reading to understand why I am so disappointed.

    Reached Pasir ris @ 9.30am to see a long queue for the shuttle bus. How long is the queue? Well jz say it is long enough to queue from Pasir ris to Tampines. That long! Yet the buses that were zooming pass us were not even packed, the seats were all taken but then there is still a lot of standing room!

    So seeing the queue that we decided to take a cab down instead. It was a good decision and money well spent as I think if we waited for the shuttle bus we would have totally missed the aerial display which is the only highlight of the day! Along the way, saw a long stretch of empty buses. Wonder what are they waiting for when there is a long queue at Pasir ris? Hmm....

    Reached the super ulu Changi Exhibition Centre. Have a smooth entry and security check. Wow the place is super big and EMPTY! Plus the sun is out in full force and there is no shelter. Since we reached there like 11am, decided to break up and walked around. Saw a few Singapore Army big guns and vehicles, then Singapore Air Force planes and helicopter, U.S. Air Force planes as well. Well I dun care about the rest. To me, the thing I wanna to see is Airbus A380! Got to see it up close but cannot go in and visit. You can only go in and visit A380 when you are the president and MP. So call all the big shots. Sigh..... Sian! A380 is the only reason I am there, so close yet so far.

    Time for the aerial show! The black knights did not disappoint us with exciting stunts but then whatever planes that appeared after that kept doing the same thing that we got bored! Then A380 appeared, a giant elephant on the ground but a graceful swan in the air. Spent 2 hours in the hottest sun! It is the ONLY thing worth for the Airshow.

    The exhibition hall is the one with air con, so most of the crowd would spend more time inside than outside. Inside is basically trade display but there is not much of variety there. Then funny thing is people are in there to collect freebies anything from posters, bags to lanyard and pens. OMG! It is really funny when I walked past one booth to see people queueing up for recycled plastic bag! OMG! Cheapos! What is the use of collect so many things when reached home most likely these things will be thrown away as well

    There were a lot of drinks stall inside but they are also selling drinks at rocket high prices! One bottle of no brand mineral water was selling at $2 each. Crazy! SO can u imagine the prices for other drinks and food? Hmm......

    Then we decided to head home but nearly fainted again when we saw the queue for the shuttle bus again. It is a long enough as it snaked from the outside of the exhibition hall to the inside of the exhibition area. Decided to pay $5 for a shuttle bus out to City Hall and within 15 mins we are in the bus. However there are a lot of queues to different places yet there are not barricades and signage to guide people to the correct queue. Every one is confused but lucky for us, we got in the right queue and quickly got onto the bus. It is was a $5 well spent!

    Overall, the airshow is not worth the money or the time! It was so DISAPPOINTING. So much hyper then there is nothing much to offer! There is nothing much to see and it looks like army or air force open house (which are free of charge by the way!). The logistic for the show is also very messy with no defined queues or signage. The events company really sucks big time! No more next time for me.

    So total amount spent is $15 for the ticket, $4 for the cab, $5 for the bus ride and $10 on the drinks, addes up to a grand total of $34. OMG!

    Next time I will go and have a picnic at Changi Point while watching the air show for free then!

    The only happy thing that came out of it is I got a very nice and even tan. Wahahaha!

    PS: The one star I give is for the black knights only. Nothing else.

    Rating given:Rating: 1 out of 5Rating: 1 out of 5Rating: 1 out of 5Rating: 1 out of 5Rating: 1 out of 5

    79. Airshow 2008   
       28 Feb 2008 at 12:25 am
    Category: Uncategorized
    claud claud says:

    Our worst experience ever!

    When the crowd started pouring in at the Airshow, there were just no where to walk and admire the display and exhibitions put up. The indoor halls were packed and whenever an exhibitor started giving out freebies, everyone just charged to get one. This I really can't understand! Collect so many paper bags and brochures for what? Stop killing the trees! If you don't need it, don't take it! I saw many aunties and uncles carrying 6 to 8 of the same bags! Bring home distribute to their relatives?? Aiyoh!

    The only thing I did within the exhibition hall was to go to the ladies, get some aircon to cool off the heat and the rest (most) of the time was spent trying to squeeze out of it.

    The aerobatic flying display was exciting to watch at first, but as it progress under the crazily hot sun, everyone just got tired of it and went back into hiding inside the air-conditioned exhibition halls. Silly us took out there for the entire display which lasted for an hour and half! Only the first and finale was good. The rest... haiz... perhaps I'm not an airplane person, so it kinda bored me.

    The worst part of the day came when we were planning to leave the place! The directions and instruction signs put up wasn't clear and significant enough. Everyone didn't know where to go to get out of the place. There were many options for leaving the ulu exhibition centre. For us, there's only 2 options, to either take a cab and paying super high surcharge and fare for it back to Pasir Ris, or join the messed up queue to take the free shuttle bus but to Pasir Ris.

    At first we planned to take the cab, so we walked a loooong way out to the cab queue and then discovered that it wasn't moving at all! So we changed our plan and went all the way back into the exhibition centre to join the bus queue. The queue was almost like a 2.4km long walk. We spent 1hr 45mins queuing for the bus! At the beginning of the queue, everyone was mixed up and didn't know where exactly was the queue! People were pushing and shoving their way through trying to make it to the front of the queue. Some elderly and those with little kids couldn't take the heat and had to fall out of it and waited at the side while the adults stayed in the messed up queue. Cisco police and some guys tried to give instructions but no one seemed to bother about them. Those unhappy families even ended up quarreling with the polices so that they can cut the queue.

    Overall the experience was very bad for me. Really there's nothing much to see. Its more like a trade show than an exhibition for the public. My objective of going was to get a glimpse of the inside of A380. But sadly the mindset that the advertisement put across was wrong. We were only allowed to view from the outside! They should have specified that in the ads! Well, perhaps that's why all the aunties and uncles collected that many bags to get their entrance fee worth! Haha!

    Rating given:Rating: 1 out of 5Rating: 1 out of 5Rating: 1 out of 5Rating: 1 out of 5Rating: 1 out of 5

       23 Feb 2008 at 10:40 pm
    Category: Food Courts
    claud claud says:

    Avoid the Indian stall at this food junction.

    I was there today to check out some gadgets and decided to have our dinner at the Food Junction. There were so many choices, even a Pepper Lunch Express stall. But don't know why, we decided to go for the Indian stall right at the entrance of the food court.

    I ordered their chicken biryani and bf ordered mutton mutabak. At first look, the biryani looks not bad. Chicken given was pretty huge and there was cabbage and bean sprout and papadum. But when I cut into the chicken, I knew its going to be bad. The chicken had been fried before putting into the gravy and its too tough. As its fried chicken, it didn't manage to absorb the flavor of the curry. Very badly cooked. Than the cabbage had a weird taste and was too hard. The bean sprout tasted like it was half cooked! I could taste the rawness of it! Yucks!

    The mutabak taste was normal but its very small. The thickness was the same as an egg prata and the filling was very little. Not worth the try.

    So next time when you're there, you might want to try other stalls instead.

    Beside the bad experience, I've to comment that this food junction is a good place to go for cheap food and comfort meetings. There's a corner that's decorated nicely with red cushioned chairs and round cushioned sofa seats around the sides of this corner. Great place to go to study or meeting clients. There's wifi there too.

    Giving 1/5 for the bad food at the Indian stall.
    If its only for the place, it'll be 4/5 for the nice comfy corner within the food junction.

    Rating given:Rating: 1 out of 5Rating: 1 out of 5Rating: 1 out of 5Rating: 1 out of 5Rating: 1 out of 5

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