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kormmandos's Reviews

       24 Jan 2008 at 10:39 am
       Matcha Sundae
    They Finally Got It Right!

    If you do remember, I had ravaged MOF for their lousy food and lack of variety in an earlier review. Somehow and for some reason, somebody did give a damn (I am assuming this) about that bad review, or maybe the management was really not proud of what they had to offer at the Marina Square branch. And since they couldn't "re-brand" their stupidest name in the world, they probably thought it would be the best move to concentrate on selling their good stuff. Which is probably the only best thing that came out of MOF, by the way.

    Simply said, the Girlfriend and I loved that just-you-and-me moment with the Macha Sundae (seen in picture). For S$6, you get soft-serve ice-cream with a scoop of their very good green tea red bean ice-cream and a whole lot of other toppings like green tea sauce, cereal, jelly, azuki red bean, peaches, waffle, watermelon wedges and cherry. We thought it was a very good deal if compared to places like Ben & Jerry's or Häagen-Dazs.

    On another occasion, I tried the item with their green tea ice-cream, rice dumplings and red bean paste (which they claim to use red beans imported from Japan). The rich flavour from the green tea ice-cream was really pleasant and the rice dumplings were chewy with just the right texture. The red bean paste was unfortunately still a little too sweet to my liking. But overall, it was an enjoyable takeaway dessert.

    The menu has also been bumped up, which only means more choices and that's a good thing. Do give the items recommended in the menu a try, you may just be pleasantly surprised too.

    On a totally unrelated note, I was at Balestier Road briefly during the weekend and came across a rather fascinating traditional bakery. Any other interesting stuff that I should look out for in that area?

    Must Tries: Their ice-cream, of course
    Search Keyword: 3  + keyword
    Rating given:Rating: 4 out of Rating: 4 out of Rating: 4 out of Rating: 4 out of Rating: 4 out of
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         24 Jan 2008 at 9:40 am
      Category: Coffee Shops, Indian
         One of the prata man
      Everything is made on order and extra large

      This is one of the rare prata places that only prepares your food upon your order. No more cold and stale prata kosong and prata telur. Plus the portions are larger than the usual prata places.

      There's really nothing to complain here.
      It's pleasantly old school from the century old shop space to the food they serve and the price they charge (i.e. really cheap).

      This is THE place for prata!

      Must Tries: any prata is good

      Do note that your "breakfast pratas" are not available during their peak hours. For those who are willing, go there in the morning.
      Search Keyword: 3  + keyword
      Rating given:Rating: 5 out of Rating: 5 out of Rating: 5 out of Rating: 5 out of Rating: 5 out of
      Comments on this review:
      1. cherryandmartini
        cherryandmartini said:
        How much is your "really cheap" cheap?
        20 Dec 2008 at 11:26 am
      2. kormmandos
        kormmandos said:
        You can get a murtabak with a drink for under $4, if I'm not wrong.
        20 Dec 2008 at 10:24 pm
      3. ParkerSmith
        ParkerSmith said:
        I want to make sure that it is very important to see whether or not his is something that is going to improve in many way.
        16 Apr 2014 at 2:42 pm
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         24 Jan 2008 at 9:30 am
      Category: European
      You order from your table here

      The restaurant chain decided on a different approach here. You don't queue up to order any more. At this outlet, the crew comes to take your orders and serve you. At the same price too.

      The place is spacious and well-lit. Talking about lighting, they have really innovative lampshades made of bottles of soft drinks. According to the staff, they are alcoholic and available for order at $7.50 a bottle.

      I won't talk about the food here as the quality is pretty much the same everywhere.
      Search Keyword: 3  + keyword
      Rating given:Rating: 4 out of Rating: 4 out of Rating: 4 out of Rating: 4 out of Rating: 4 out of
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           24 Jan 2008 at 9:25 am
        Category: Coffee and Tea
        The Most Authentic Rebranded Ya Kun in Singapore

        I'm giving this place the highest ratings because of the following reasons:

        - You pay $1.20 for kopi-peng here when branches everywhere else charges $1.80 (You mean ice is 60 cents?)

        - You have those really authentic old tables.

        - Service is surprisingly fast despite the generally older staff.

        - It doesn't look like other Ya Kun branches.

        - I think this is the only Ka Yun that toast the bread over a real charcoal fire.

        - It is amazing to see men sitting out in the open with their long sleeve shirts and ties drinking hot coffee without breaking a sweat.

        - It is amazing to see ladies sitting out in the open with their thick war paint drinking hot coffee without breaking a sweat.

        - It is somewhat of a cool experience to be shouted at by the busy old staff running around.

        - You get to shout across the place without being rowdy.

        - On yeah, I did I mention the coffee, kaya toast and eggs seem to be always perfect?
        Search Keyword: 3  + keyword
        Rating given:Rating: 5 out of Rating: 5 out of Rating: 5 out of Rating: 5 out of Rating: 5 out of
        Comments on this review:
        1. Polarbear
          Polarbear said:
          Haa... u forgot to mention about the uncle who remembers everyone's order after saying it once. He is good!
          24 Jan 2008 at 9:35 am
        2. kormmandos
          kormmandos said:
          Better still if he forgets, we get to shout across another time!
          24 Jan 2008 at 9:43 am
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           24 Jan 2008 at 9:22 am
        Have your illegal gathering and not get caught!

        It's much like settlers' cafe where you get a place to play games together. The food is just ok though. But you go there to have a good time in your friends' company. The fun is from all the interesting games which means anything other than Monopoly, Risk, Cluedo, Scrabble, Mad Magazine, etc. And boring friends equates boring time there. Best to go in groups large enough to be hauled up for illegal gathering (which means 5 or more). We had 14.

        See what happened at
        Search Keyword: 3  + keyword
        Rating given:Rating: 3 out of Rating: 3 out of Rating: 3 out of Rating: 3 out of Rating: 3 out of
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