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micreation's Latest Review
 15 Jun 2007 at 2:16 pm

Just overlooking the side of the main road, Piper's Pies is really easy to find, due to its big bold shop signs. They serve what else, but big satisfying pies to cater to your hunger pangs, or just that desire to sink your teeth into something good.

Upon hearing that it was my first time there, the lady immediately suggested that i try their special, which is a pie filled with chunky steak. It may be a bit pricey at around $6.50, but the pie was big and filling, and there was literally a big chunk of tender beef steak embedded inside the pie. It was really satisfying. The shop was quite small, but cosy at the same time since in the afternoon it was relatively quiet so me and my friend pretty much had the whole space to ourselves. Other favourites include a chicken with white wine pie, and a Peter's special, which comes with a mashed potato and meat filling. Although the pies are best eaten right at the shop, you can pack away without worries because the staff would pack it pr...   

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