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latest 40 comments watto made
On the review for Old Mother Hen Traditional Herbal Soup 十全老母鸡小吃店
  1. watto
    watto said:
    I have been eying this joint, now I must go soon.
    03 Jun 2008 at 2:22 pm
On the review for Singtel Mobile
  1. watto
    watto said:
    You may be able to set the service provider to Singtel in your mobile phone so that you do not "roam" to Malaysia network.
    01 Jun 2008 at 8:40 am
On the review for The Digital Movement (singapore)
  1. watto
    watto said:
    Indeed, The INternet has changed our lives and will continue to change. Power if used in the right ways will help people, I'm sure you the other possible outcome too. Haiz.
    25 May 2008 at 8:12 am
On the review for Geek Terminal
  1. watto
    watto said:
    I just got to know about this place and was thinking of dropping by. Looks like I will be visiting the new place soon.
    24 May 2008 at 7:31 pm
On the review for McDonald’s Singapore (Queensway)
  1. watto
    watto said:
    yeah, hah hah. I was hesitant initially, but a quick ask around office shows that many do not know of this place. Environment, ambience is important too.
    22 May 2008 at 9:10 am
On the review for Miss U Cafe
  1. watto
    watto said:
    Understaffed, food not nice, ambience not bad except air-con aws under powered
    20 May 2008 at 3:23 pm
On the review for Singtel Mobile
  1. watto
    watto said:
    Hah hah, true. Some how this loyalty program gives the feeling that it is a sure win, just when, i.e. all subscribers will win something within the duration of the program.
    19 May 2008 at 1:46 pm
On the review for SingTel Hello! Shop (Parkway Parade)
  1. watto
    watto said:
    Hmm, so the consumers are all smarter now or rather, very up to date with the features and functions of new products that they buy.
    19 May 2008 at 1:44 pm
On the review for Waraku (East Coast)
  1. watto
    watto said:
    It is a very noisy place to be a restaurant.
    19 May 2008 at 11:21 am
On the review for Ju Shin Jung East Korean Charcoal BBQ
  1. watto
    watto said:
    The weekday lunch special is worth every dime. $9.90 . I am especially impressed by the side dishes. Traditional rice wine (cloudy looking) is nice and there is a promo every Tues night at the West C
    15 May 2008 at 3:22 pm
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