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tinystickfigures's Latest Review
 13 Dec 2008 at 8:01 pm

I would like to say otherwise.. the service there was okay actually. Probably sometimes because there's too many customers during peak hours, causing the staff there to feel aggravated. The food there is really cheap. I guess it's a little cheaper than other sushi places like sakae sushi etc ? It tastes great too. Great ambience too. I went to eat at suki sushi on a Saturday few weeks back.. and there's only an additional charge of $1, which is very little. colour plates were merely going for $1.20-$1.80, unlike some places where they charge $2.00 to $2.50.
On a whole, I think it's great. Nice ambience, average service (Don't dare to expect much).. and most importantly, great food!(:

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