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claud's Reviews

    96. Secrets At Eleven   
       17 Sep 2007 at 5:32 pm
    "Oh nice nails! Where did you do it? "

    'Sh... its a secret..."

    Secrets at Eleven is a relaxing and very nice place to get your pretty nails. Located on the second level (above Happy Daze). The decor is simple and welcoming. I had my meni done at their balcony. Imagine, relaxing on a big arm chair, with open view of the happenings below me and the friendliest manicurist. 2 other friends can sit next to you by the balcony and together have your nails done up, drink a cup of nice warm tea and catch-up with the latest happenings in life.

    The manicurists know their products very well and their service and skill is good. When come to choosing colors for the nails, they'll try on every color you want to see on each of your nails so that you can see exactly how it looks like on your hands. (I ended up with 10 different color on my fingers!) This is great cos you'll not regret only after all the nails were painted. They wouldn't rush you and they'll be more than glad to try on as many colors as you want so that you're happy with the decision.

    For just $23 for a classic mani and $33 for a classic pedi, Secrets at Eleven is the place to go with your girlfriends!
    Search Keyword: 3  + keyword
    Rating given:Rating: 4 out of Rating: 4 out of Rating: 4 out of Rating: 4 out of Rating: 4 out of
    Comments on this review:
    1. Endoh Taiki
      Endoh Taiki said:
      Happy Daze the pet cafe?
      17 Sep 2007 at 9:39 pm
    2. claud
      claud said:
      Eh... its pet cafe meh? Tot more of a drinking place? Its at the corner of the shophouses.
      17 Sep 2007 at 9:41 pm
    3. Leenie Pigs
      Leenie Pigs said:
      Sounds good. let me grow my nails and i'm sure to let them do my pinky multicoloured...
      18 Sep 2007 at 4:11 pm
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    97. Project Smitten   
       14 Sep 2007 at 12:06 pm
       ps1.jpg   ps2.jpg   ps3.jpg
    I'm loving every bits of this new magazine! Saw this new magazine at the newsstand and was attracted by its name - Smitten. Curious to know what's it about, I picked it up and glance through the cover and saw that this copy is their debut issue and topics looks pretty interesting.

    Project Smitten is the name of the magazine. (Smitten reminds me of kitten. Small, cute, playful, fun, pretty and mischievous!)

    Flipping through the pages of Smitten and I'm greeted by the faces behind Smitten. In Smitten picks, the key ladies in Smitten share they favorite picks for the month. This gives me, as a reader, feel closer to the magazine as I'm able to match the names to faces. Loving this!

    Every page you flip to, you'll find the trendiest and uber stylish fashion. Best of all, they show you exactly where you can get them! Even the cute little puppies.

    Another section I love is the spy section - spy now and smitten spy. You'll be able to find rare finds and hidden treasures locally, internationally and in the www in these sections.

    The smitten decorate pages are also one that I simply adore! I love everything pretty, cute, quirky and cool. Decorate now shows you where you can find these cool stuff to add on to your collection. Great pages to flip through if you're considering buying unique gifts for your friends.

    Smitten is one mag that I'm so going to subscribe!

    Oh, did I mention about the Smitten Society card that gives you great discounts during the Smitten Shopping Week? Go grab a copy of smitten to find out!

    *****Updated 6 Jan 2008*****
    Was delighted to have received my first subscribed delivery from Project Smitten (Jan/Feb08) this morning at my doorstep. Since I’m at my CNY shopping mood, I quickly flipped the pages and see what they’ve in store for us. Spotted a “Hot Buy” of a bag organiser from M)phosis on page 55 of this issue and wanted to get one for myself. Went shopping at Bugis Junction and stopped by M)phosis to ask if they’ve stock for it. Looks like, I’m not the first who was there to ask about this bag.

    The salesgirl asked which magazine I saw this bag in and told me that the bag I was looking for was from months ago! They no longer carry it! I asked if they’ll be bringing in more, she said it depends.

    I was quite upset that this thing happened. Why does a fashion magazine publish a product that was already not on sale? I was very pleased with their content once. But after this incident, and many other which I’d heard (from their facebook group), I guess they’ve got to improve a lot more to gain back the trust from existing subscribers and attract new ones.

    Dropping my 5 stars rating to 3.
    Search Keyword: 3  + keyword
    Rating given:Rating: 3 out of Rating: 3 out of Rating: 3 out of Rating: 3 out of Rating: 3 out of
    Comments on this review:
    1. HannyTan
      HannyTan said:
      I saw it at TM, juz b4 CNY! I realli thot itz innovative! But when i saw e actual thing, 'Not worth it!' We can easily DIY it, so tat e pockets can fit our desired sizes.
      12 Feb 2008 at 6:16 pm
    2. Natkin
      Natkin said:
      FYI babes, this magazine that closed down last year has changed name to CHIC. It is still run by the same people! A lot of subscribers who subscribed to Smitten were affected when the company closed d
      11 Feb 2010 at 9:31 am
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    98. Yummy O Donuts   
       14 Sep 2007 at 10:25 am
    Category: Bakeries
    Yummy O? Yet another donut outlet for the craze for donuts. Was it really Yummy?

    Ever since don't know when, the craze for donuts picked up and everyone in Singapore was taking leave and skipping lessons just to queue for a box of donuts. Similar to many other craze fab, everyone wants a piece of this fab pie "while the rod is hot". So everywhere I go, I see some kind of donuts outlet and if there's not a long queue, I'll go get some to try it out. (Famous or not famous, rewarded or not rewarded.)

    The drifting fragrance of the donuts lured me towards the stall hidden at the corner of White Sands (among OCK and other snack stalls). Curious to find out what they have to offer, I went to take a peep. And the heart shaped donuts and mocha flavored ones tempted me to buy and try. Something different from the other donuts is that they donut prices are fixed. No bulk discount even if you buy 6 or 12 in a box. (Maybe that's why there wasn't a queue?) And one plus point for this is the packaging. Instead of just placing your donuts in a big box, they have this plastic tray that separates the donuts in the box, I thought this was helpful, so you don't have to worry about them pushing against one another inside the box.

    Now, the most important element is the taste and yumminess of these donuts. They claimed to be the only donut awarded with an award by Singapore. (can't remember by which organisation) but I'm having second thought about it. My mum agreed with me too. I told her I didn't have to queue for these donuts. And later when she tried one, she told me those I queued for tasted better. These donuts were too sweet and the dough taste just like any bread with fillings from the usual bakeries. Other than this, I don't know what else to comment on the donuts. Sure not how their name suggests.
    Search Keyword: 3  + keyword
    Rating given:Rating: 2 out of Rating: 2 out of Rating: 2 out of Rating: 2 out of Rating: 2 out of
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         14 Sep 2007 at 9:35 am
      Category: Fast Food
      Totally agree with Leenie! Kallang McDonalds is the best place to go!

      This is the place where I spent most of my weekends and some weekdays noon at. Especially during the school holidays. My bf and I will drive up, park at the Free parking lots and spend the whole afternoon at Kallang McDonalds, either marking worksheets, preparing presentations, writing papers or mugging for exams.

      With the Free power sources around the place, no wonder so many business people who works out of office would gather there for meetings or checking emails and surfing the net.

      The corner booth seats next to the toilet is my favorite spot. But they're usually taken up. And there's no power point at those seats. Except for one furthest away from the toilet which has a point nearby, but not long enough for the usual labtop cables. So some even brought their own extension chord!! McDonalds should have more of such facilities for their standalone outlets like Kallang's.

      I'm giving this outlet 5 stars for their generosity for providing so many power points for customers and never complaining or "chasing" anyone away even if they sat there entire day with just a purchase of a EVM.

      If you happen to be there often too, share your experience here too! Who knows, maybe we might have seen one another before! (hmm... maybe we could have a Yebber gathering one day at Kallang McDonalds! tsk tsk.)
      Search Keyword: 3  + keyword
      Rating given:Rating: 5 out of Rating: 5 out of Rating: 5 out of Rating: 5 out of Rating: 5 out of
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           13 Sep 2007 at 3:08 pm
        Category: Hawker Centres
        Cheap and good is what I call this Chicken Rice Stall.

        It was love at first sight! Ever since I took my first mouthful of the rice and chicken with their chilli, I knew immediately that this is what I'll be having for a long long time.

        As a fan of chicken rice (I don't take char siew or any food with pork/lard) I give this stall 4 out of 5 thumbs up. I'll order their set everytime I have it. Paying just $3.50 for a plate of boneless chicken, vegetables, rice and soup. Where can you find such a cheap chicken rice meal? I remember paying $5.50 to $6 for a set exactly the same at Food Courts.

        The meat is served with cucumber, a slice of tomato and few pieces of archar. Texture of meat is just right and it isn't too oily. The chilli is good too. Trust me. Cos I'm a chilli freak! LOL!
        Search Keyword: 3  + keyword
        Rating given:Rating: 4 out of Rating: 4 out of Rating: 4 out of Rating: 4 out of Rating: 4 out of
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