//php echo $count; ?>True Spa
22 Oct 2008 at 5:39 pm
I have signed up Truespa sessions since 2007 and as all the others unable to book the sessions. When I finally did, I can only get the massage but the come along hydrobath/footspa is fully booked. Since it is already so hard to get the massage session, there's no way that I will give up by "hardearn" massage booking. So now I have alot more hydrobath/footspa sessions than my massage. I tried to change those extras hydrobath/footspa sessions to other services but was told by my consultant that their policy do not allow that even if I speak to higher authority. Any1 facing this problem too? [Read more] |

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hi desiree, pls contact me at [email protected] to find out how you could seek compensation fm TRUE SPA. 13pax of us (from different walks of life) have joined forces 2 file legal case against TS.
27 Oct 2008 at 5:30 pm
Pls contact me at [email protected] if keen to join us in class action suit against True Spa.
05 Nov 2008 at 4:27 pm