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joelle's Latest Review
 08 Dec 2008 at 2:22 pm

from this web, we all face the same problem, no one answering the main line. what i did was before my treatment on the day itself, i will book for my next treatment at the front desk and Get them to comfirm my appt after i finish my treatment on the day itself
before i leave the place because understand the cso at front desk has to answer phone calls, check slots, booked appts, comfrim appts, call therapist for trt, check some of the mbr's balance's, have to remember where we sit at (that why i dun keep changing sit) and etc. you will know all this just by standing at the front desk for 15mins. i once heard a mbr book the appt at front desk saying her hydro must be warm more to hot than cold, massage req one of the therapist and massage oil that she wanted and she perfer the room near somewhere ,it took so much time cause i'm behide this lady to book for my appt too. the phone keep ringing the ppl keep coming. this is why i give them time to booked for me after my one and half hours of...   

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