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consumerspeaks's Latest Review
 08 Jan 2009 at 12:37 pm

When you travel overseas, achieving what you set out to do in the destination is the singular most important part of the process. In doing that, one contends with culture shock, unfamiliar environment, climate and time zone change, jetlag etc.

And the last thing one needs is coping with more hassles getting there and back. Air travel brings with it a whole host of other potential problems such as punctuality (whether caused by weather, politics, natural and man-made calamities or aircraft serviceability etc). There are airlines which treats you like just another passenger - unless you travel in the front pointy end of the plane and there are airlines - relatively few airlines - that do a great job making earning your loyalty and trust. And one such airline is Singapore Airlines.

Sure there are those who don't find their cabin staff chatty enough but hey, did you buy an air ticket for a chat at cruise altitude? In delivering its core competencies in the most professional and c...   

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