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clicktokill's Latest Review
 24 Mar 2009 at 8:37 pm

So they say that Sunset Way is something like Holland Village. It's less packed with people and there aren't that many shops around (or it could be that I was there at night). But snooping further down the road, into what seems to be a rather ulu area, you'll find The Daily Scoop.

Yeah, there's Island Creamery, Ben's & Jerry's and Haagen Daz. What's so different about The Daily Scoop?

The first time we went there, it was about 9ish and they were cleaning and packing up for the day. We didn't think there'd be any ice cream left and were kinda disheartened that our only dessert reprieve was done for the day.


One of the serving crew popped out of their delivery van and took note of our sad puppy-dog-like faces staring into the shop from outside and told us that we could still get ourselves a cone. As long as we weren't dining in.

The two ice-cream monsters each got a Kooky Monster and Strawberry sorbet.

It's heavenly I tell you. I couldn't keep slurping my ice cream....   

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