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randi's Latest Review
 15 Jan 2009 at 3:16 pm
   The friendly inbus stewardess (Taken while bus is moving so it blurry :p)   My dinner Nasi Goreng Indonesian Redang Ayam   Seats Control and cup holder slot for my Tea
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I took their First Class (Solitaire) Coach from Genting - Singapore (One Way). It really made coming back to singapore such a pleasure and fun . The trip lasted about 6 Hours or so . The trip cost me RM $130 (Low Season rates)(approx SGD $54 ) which i felt was a bit steep compared to the other services which cost about RM $45 (approx SGD $22) for the trip back . But its money Worth spending ! .

Their Onbus entertainment system actually WORKS !Seriously I was so surprise and I watch a Thai horror Movie Letters Of Death , Lady Iron Chef and Shrek 2 as well . Their entertainment system carries quite an interesting array of movies From english to thai to chinese to korean and Japanese as well .
Headphones are provided too . Not those cheap looking ones with flimsy sponge covering ... Its those big bulky ones which i assumed...   

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