//php echo $count; ?>Accupunture Slimming At Wellness Sanctuary (So Effective) (Marine Parade Central)
17 Mar 2009 at 8:45 pm
I enjoy reading reviews to get the flavor of the reaction to the business and sometimes a repeat of the experience, in this case, weight loss is indeed helpful. I am looking for Chinese medicine to increase blood flow to the foot but I am also practical in that I buy shoes that are well cushioned. I took actupuncture for relaxation and that helped in the short term. But right now I am losing weight by increasing fiber to get rid of excess surface weight and have recently, after 2 months, have begun to lose pounds as well as inches. Thanks, Kathy.mack [Read more] |
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hi kathy...so how did you do that?
23 Mar 2009 at 4:48 am