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Michiko's Latest Review
 06 Aug 2010 at 2:41 pm

I read with interest at Reno's review because a similar incident is happening to me now with the same guy, Joe - who's the owner.

I bought 2 matresses from Joe on the basis that it was the same specifications with what my friend had bought a year ago. It was a quick sale for him bec I didn't need to try, having tested the mattress out at my friend's place. He asked for upfront full payment and I didn't think twice about it bec I trusted him since he was recommended by my friend, who accompanied me there.

Everything seemed smooth sailing bec as Reno described him...Joe was very slick, very assuring, confident and everything was 'no problem', he remembered what the specifications (specs) were etc so I had no reason to question him bec what would I know about technical specs?

When delivery was due, that's when ALL the problems started. Only 1 mattress was delivered and it was the not the same specs! When we tried calling him, he never pick up nor return his missed calls. When we...   

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