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sharongohgr's Latest Review
 23 Jul 2011 at 9:34 pm

I am surprised at the previous comment made as I am also a customer of Delcie's Desserts. Based on my personal experiences, they are all good. I have ordered many times from them and was also initially referred to them by my good friend who has strongly recommend them to me.

Placing an order on Delcie's Desserts website is easy and yes, i do agree the form does request quite a number of information from the customer. But most of the requested details are valid. For example, myself who is a milk intolerant person, would want them to know that I can't take milk in my diet and they did request information like this from me. This gave me assurance. My good friend who referred me to them, her experience was similar to mine as the person in charge took note of her nut allergy and advise her accordingly which cake was suitable for her. Moreover of all the cakes I have tried from them, they are all tasty! I've tried their mud fudge, blackforest, durian cake and their mother's day red velvet c...   

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Sharon Goh

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sharongohgr is a female yebber.

A little about sharongohgr...

A milk-intolerant mother of 2 beautiful children.
sharongohgr's Recent reviews
Delcie’s DessertsPunggol Nasi Lemak Centre (Kovan)Cafe Cartel (Plaza Singapura)
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On the review for Punggol Nasi Lemak Centre (Kovan)
  1. feizhu
    feizhu said:
    Personally I think they are expensive. And standards have dropped quite a bit after it moved to its current location.
    25 Jul 2011 at 10:34 pm

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