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Lucardia's Reviews

    1671. AMK Hub   
       29 Sep 2007 at 2:18 am
    Category: Malls
    zihui zihui says:

    Have you been there? I think you should!

    Just another heartland mall, you may think. But I kinda like this place for the fact that it's kinda different from most heartland malls around. It's a new mall after all, so there's definitely room for a greater and more trendy design.

    There are tons of shops here that cater to almost anyone and everyone! But one thing that was quite disappointing, I felt, was that there weren't many eating outlets around. I figured it could be because there were too many around the area already, so they might have just focused more on the shops than the food outlets.

    The basement level was quite a messy level to be at. You could end up walking in circles and not knowing that until you recognize the shops around. This could be because they have those little stalls situated right smack in the middle of the walking area between the two rows of shops at the sides. But from the 1st level on, things look abit more organized.

    I didn't see anything beyond the 2nd level. I think they're lacking a supermarket actually! Or it'll be just nice for heartlanders (: (Or do they have one? Because I don't remember seeing it =x But maybe they have it nearby, so it's not necessary.. =s )

    On the whole, I'd say this place is not bad. Something good enough to replace Orchard-shopping time! It doesn't replace the "Orchard" feel though, but I would say it's not that difficult to find nice clothes/ gifts etc from this place. Like I said, it caters to almost anyone!

    Nice place; worth going if you're looking for somewhere new to go!

    Rating given:Rating: 4 out of 5Rating: 4 out of 5Rating: 4 out of 5Rating: 4 out of 5Rating: 4 out of 5

       28 Sep 2007 at 11:48 pm
    Category: Coffee Shops
    genesis genesis says:

    Always a long queue for Nasi Lemak. Notice that people are willing to risk summons by parking at the road side just to eat Nasi Lemak. Must be good right? So we decided to join the queue and try, just to find out if it was worth it to queue and risk a $50 fine - we did not get a fine as we parked in a designated spot ;)

    Verdict : The Nasi Lemak was really lemak, unlike some other Nasi Lemak where the only lemak was in the name. It was fluffy and did not stick together. Fried Chicken wings and the Otah was also delicious as it was fresh and piping hot. The Chilli was also just right in its spicyness and sweetness. Definitely worth another visit when around the area.

    Rating given:Rating: 5 out of 5Rating: 5 out of 5Rating: 5 out of 5Rating: 5 out of 5Rating: 5 out of 5

    1673. Lido Cineplex   
       28 Sep 2007 at 11:28 pm
    Category: Cinemas
    genesis genesis says:

    What's brewing in Lido Cineplex? Nothing actually. One of the earliest cineplexes in Singapore. It has been some time since we walked into Lido for a movie. So when we walked into Lido 7, it felt as though we were transported back to the 1990s. Not a complement :)

    The cinema emits a strange smell. We were wondering where the smell came from. When we sat down in our seats, it felt as though the seat was about to drop. The cushion was almost non though totally worn out. Only then did we realise that the smell could have come from the cushion (it was fabric...soft...too almost never washed). Good thing the lights were dim and were kept dim even after the show. Just wondered if the cushion was stained with human dna samples from active sweat glands over the years.... the collection of which gave out the arid smell.

    Anyway it was the first time also after a long long time that someone's head blocked our view so that we had to watch the show between 2 heads...which seems pretty huge.

    Anyway the show saved the day...and we vowed never to step into Lido 7 again...until the place is being renovated and upgraded.

    Rating given:Rating: 1 out of 5Rating: 1 out of 5Rating: 1 out of 5Rating: 1 out of 5Rating: 1 out of 5

       28 Sep 2007 at 11:13 pm
    Category: Cinemas
    genesis genesis says:

    Spacious and clean was our impression when we were here for a movie. Like what the other Yebbers mentioned, there is no need to assume a foetal position when you have to make room for latecomers who try to squeeze their way through to the seat in the middle of the row and in the process decorating the cinema with spilled popcorn.

    The only problem was that the back rest was too upright and stiff. The seats do not recline, hence providing a much awkward viewing angle. Imagine seating in an upright position for 2-3 hours watching a movie....try to slouch and you will end up sitting with no back support.

    Not our favourite cinema, but still better than Lido 7. That is another story.

    Rating given:Rating: 3 out of 5Rating: 3 out of 5Rating: 3 out of 5Rating: 3 out of 5Rating: 3 out of 5

       28 Sep 2007 at 8:21 pm
    Category: Cinemas
    Bobo Bobo says:

    I love GV@ Vivo too! But the rest are absolutely right. You definitely need to make bookings to get your tickets. I love GVmax with it's ultra wide screen.

    It's always bustling with people so if you want to get popcorn and stuff you'd better be there early. I love the seating with plenty of leg room.

    It's never too cold. and the food is always cooked. (i've eaten hotdogs which aren't before and had food poisoning.)

    I have one major gripe though. There only one restroom with 3 lousy cubicles. On weekends it can really be hell queuing before a movie. ANNNDD if you are watching at GV max you would have to go in to the other side for the restroom.. come out again to enter into GVmax on the other side. URGH... Why can't they have more loos! Can you imagine if you had to go in the middle of a movie.

    Oh yes one more gripe.. one of the cinema exits.. lets us out into unfamiliar place... and I got really lost trying to look for our car. haiz.

    Rating given:Rating: 4 out of 5Rating: 4 out of 5Rating: 4 out of 5Rating: 4 out of 5Rating: 4 out of 5

    1676. Cambodia, Siem Reap   
       28 Sep 2007 at 10:31 am
    Bobo Bobo says:

    Oo Siem Reap with its famous Ang Kor Wat

    This is something that I think everyone should try. I was there recently (well not so recent) and we went to Thailand first. After which we took a train to cross the border to Siem Reap. Here's how it goes.

    1) In Bangkok, take a cab or tutuk to Hualamphong Train Station. should take more than 150 baht by cab.

    2)You have to take the 5.55am train to Aranyaprathet, the train station at the Eastern border of Thailand. Please be early and reach about 5.30am. This is so that you can get a seat which faces the front of the train. There are actually two train times for this train travelling to the border but you have to take this one if want to make it to the border before the office closes. (yes it closes) It's a 6 hour train ride, so buy some food stuffs to eat on board. You wouldn't want to buy from the hawkers peddling up and down the train. Trust me.

    3) On the train you will pass by many many towns... and it will get crowded along the way especially if it's close to a public holiday and people travel back to their villages. You'll even get to see train stations which are just ONE POLE in the middle of nowhere. The train master will come on much later in the trip. Pretty near Aranyaprathet...

    4) Here's the tough part. When you get out you need to take a tutuk to the real border. Rem, this is just the train station near the border. You need to get to immigration at the border. It'll only take 30 baht. Don't settle for anything more. They will hustle for up to 100baht just for that 5-10 min ride. Also, here you will find people wear official uniforms tell you that you need a visa. Singaporeans DON'T NEED. So don't get scared and pay them the money. This would be the first of scams along the way, which makes it exciting isn't it?

    5) The tutuk will bring you to the border where you might meet more persistant "officials". Remember to be polite with rejected these scammers. Even if you do not have a Singaporean Passport and require a visa, it's only 25 baht at the Cambodian Border and can be done immediately. These "officials" claim that it takes 3 days and they want 30-50baht.

    6) Here you will get your passport stamped to prove that you are leaving Thailand. then you walk. And walk. and walk. you will pass hawkers, magazines stands, hotels and even casinos before you reach the Cambodian immigration to enter Cambodia for real. It's warped. But really fun. It'll be good to make a couple of friends here now. But of cos if you have money to spend then it's not a problem.

    7) once out of the Cambodian immigration, some people will tell you that you need to take a FREE shuttle to the bus station, where you will find buses and cabs to Siem Reap. This is where we got scammed.
    The right way : Just out of the immigration, you just need to walk a little further on, don't board the shuttle. You'll find cabs waiting a little further up. One entire cab costs 60USD to Siem Reap, each cab can take 4 passengers. If you're all Asian you can probably tell them 5. But if there's a european or American amongst you, they'll tell you 4 only. It's the way things go there. This is a 3-4 hour ride all the way to Siem Reap.
    The wrong way: we boarded the shuttle, went to the bus station and were surrounded by all their people. They insisted on 90USD per cab at first. After some bargaining 80USD... and they started to surround us. We and two friends we made at the immigration agreed then. So if you don't mind that 20USD then... it doesn't matter.

    (** they deal in USD there. their own currency is used as "coins")

    8) The ride into Siem Reap
    The 3 hour ride is super bumpy, thanks to the roads which weren't maintained... you could actually fly off the road. haha And it was fun riding on a road with no lane markings and no traffic lights at junctions. Very exciting when you see a huge lorry charging right at you and your cabbie drives out onto the grass.

    9) You'll reach Siem Reap at about 6pm. We stayed at a Guesthouse called Rosy Guest House and Western Bar. It's run by Aussies. Very clean, very friendly. I've heard of people having their stuff stolen at other places. Or overcharged even after they'd agreed on the price. So be careful where you go.

    One of the places we ate was at Siem Reap Cafe. Prices are ok, the food was nice and the service was fantastic. The day we left, we had to wake up in the wee hours of the morning and wanted to buy sandwiches the night before as breakfast the next morning. The owner wouldn't allow it. He prepared our breakfast at 5 am in the morning in time for our flight and made sure we had it fresh. He usually opens at 10am....

    One little thing before you head up to Ang Kor Watt, get a guidebook and read a little before you go. :) you'll enjoy it much more.

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    Rating given:Rating: 4 out of 5Rating: 4 out of 5Rating: 4 out of 5Rating: 4 out of 5Rating: 4 out of 5

    1677. Earle Swensen’s   
       28 Sep 2007 at 9:31 am
    Category: American, Steakhouses
    Bobo Bobo says:

    Endoh would be referring to me. yes. We visited Earle's together with Feizhu and Claudia on that fateful Sunday.

    Ambience - pretty nice. A bright place overlooking the sea. Of course you'll see many of PSA's cranes at the side but it doesn't really spoil the view. They have jazz playing in the background. It's more of a family place. Looks better than the normal deary-looking Swensen's though.

    Food - Cajun Salmon Fillet and Chocolate Fondue
    (For the other items, please read the other reviews)

    The Cajun Salmon Fillet was a had a slice of FRIED salmon in a sweet chilli sauce. The salmon was dry and the frying made the salmon lose its taste. So the inside was virtually tasteless. The sweet sauce wasn't fantastic either. It was strangely sweet with no chilli taste. The mashed potato it came with was too watery and mashy.

    The Chocolate Fondue which we ordered (no thanks to me) was pretty normal really. We didn't get to choose the flavours of the ice cream though, which was a downer. It came with the standard five flavours - chocolate, strawberry, Choc mint, Mocha and cookies and cream. There was enough for 3 people to share.

    The service was a little too slow for my liking. There weren't many people. The servers would walk a huge round to get to our table instead of walking here directly. I have no idea why but I caught them doing it twice.

    Not worth the buck, in my opinion.

    Rating given:Rating: 3 out of 5Rating: 3 out of 5Rating: 3 out of 5Rating: 3 out of 5Rating: 3 out of 5

       26 Sep 2007 at 4:11 pm
    Kilkenny Kilkenny says:

    UNO Beef House is one of my favourite place for western food! I believe they are famous for their steaks, but since I'm no steak lover I can't give any steaky recommendations.

    But their fish & chips and chicken chops are excellent! Portion is large and prices are reasonable (around $4.50 and above).

    It helps that they are so near my home. :) Highly recommended if you happen to be free to drop by.

    Rating given:Rating: 5 out of 5Rating: 5 out of 5Rating: 5 out of 5Rating: 5 out of 5Rating: 5 out of 5

       26 Sep 2007 at 2:55 pm
    Category: Deli and Cafe
    Kilkenny Kilkenny says:

    I totally agree with Natsu, the queuing system at IKEA Restaurant & Cafe made me felt like I was in National Service again! Queuing up and picking up food along the way just feels so much like NS.

    In case you are wondering, no that is not a compliment. :)

    The food is pretty decent, but the price is a little on the high side. I tried their Chicken Chop Rice.

    Finally, getting seats might prove to be difficult with the amount of people there. So be prepared to spend a little time waiting.

    Rating given:Rating: 3 out of 5Rating: 3 out of 5Rating: 3 out of 5Rating: 3 out of 5Rating: 3 out of 5

    1680. Ah Loy Thai   
       26 Sep 2007 at 12:42 pm
    Category: Thai
    genesis genesis says:

    This is not a copy of Aroy Thai as we thought. We were wondering how come the prices are so much cheaper compared to Aroy and discovered that it was Ah Loy and not Aroy.

    Food is above average. So far we have been there twice and they have a wide selection of items all at reasonable prices. A plate of Phad Thai is about $3 which makes it even cheaper than some mass produced Phad Thai found at some food it definitely a must try for Phad Thai lovers.

    They have all the regular Thai fares and must say that the portions are tasty and just right for 2 persons. The total bill came up to be less than $20 for 4 dishes and dessert. So it really is budget. Also they do not charge GST and Service charge.

    What's more, Tom's Palette is just next door, so you can hop to the next shop to get your home made ice cream after a hearty meal.

    Rating given:Rating: 4 out of 5Rating: 4 out of 5Rating: 4 out of 5Rating: 4 out of 5Rating: 4 out of 5

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