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304 Orchard Road
#03 - 036 / 037
Postal code: Show postal code
Telephone: (65) 6735-1262
Restaurants » Malay & Indonesian
Photos of Ayam Penyet President (Lucky Plaza) - RestaurantsPhotos of Ayam Penyet President (Lucky Plaza) - RestaurantsPhotos of Ayam Penyet President (Lucky Plaza) - RestaurantsPhotos of Ayam Penyet President (Lucky Plaza) - RestaurantsPhotos of Ayam Penyet President (Lucky Plaza) - Restaurants

    Overall Rating:
    » 1 Review for “Ayam Penyet President (Lucky Plaza) ” - Restaurants

  1. Pink Kitty
     31 Jul 2014 at 9:21 pm
       Ayam Penyet President (Lucky Plaza) - Restaurants   Ayam Penyet President (Lucky Plaza) - Restaurants   Ayam Penyet President (Lucky Plaza) - Restaurants   Ayam Penyet President (Lucky Plaza) - Restaurants   Ayam Penyet President (Lucky Plaza) - Restaurants

    Ayam penyet though commonly sold in many foodcourts and eateries, not many cooked it as well as Ayam Penyet Ria.

    I go crazy over indo food and had definitely tried out ayam penyet from many different stalls. None of them come as close as this. They have a good range of traditional indo food as well as beverages. The restaurant is spacious enough but if you can't get seat on level 1, they have another outlet on level 4.

    The deep fried chicken is crispy on the outside and yet the meat is not dry. The deep fried tofu and tempe serve as good side dish to go with the meat. The best part about the ayam penyet lies in the chilli. This is the spiciest chilli that I could find in town and the best. Though spicy but yet you crave for more! For those who can't take too spicy food, I recommend that you order a glass of The Botol to go with it. It's an Indonesian brand red tea. Definitely beats your Lipton tea hands down!

    The tahu goreng and gado gado are also very nice. The peanut sauce for both are very well done with mild spiciness.

    Ayam penyet Ria is my only choice now...go try it!

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