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1 Rochor Canal Road
#05-50 Sim Lim Square
Postal code: Show postal code
Telephone: (65) 6334-6455
Shopping » Computers, Electronics
Shopping (Online) » IT & Computers
Services » IT & Computers
Photos of Bizgram Asia (Sim Lim Square,batam Centre) - ShoppingPhotos of Bizgram Asia (Sim Lim Square,batam Centre) - ShoppingPhotos of Bizgram Asia (Sim Lim Square,batam Centre) - ShoppingPhotos of Bizgram Asia (Sim Lim Square,batam Centre) - Shopping

Bizgram Asia is one of the most trusted IT Retailer in Sim Lim Square for its outstanding good deals , pricing, support desk, after sales service and customer response team. Every customer is valued and taken care of no matter the value of the purchase from its store.Bizgram's commitment to customer value, to our team, to being direct, to operating responsibly and, ultimately, to winning continues to differentiate us from other companies.

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    » 2 Reviews for “Bizgram Asia (Sim Lim Square,batam Centre) ” - Shopping

  1. sweetgirl
     30 Aug 2012 at 12:14 pm

    Hi friends,

    I had always been shopping my IT needs at the Bizgram Asia and always had wonderful experience with their staff, but few instances really touched me.

    One of them was- whilst, I was doing my graduation, my laptop crashed on the day of submission of my dissertation (which was dramatic and damn scary , as my career and life was on stake) thereby, I rushed to Bizgram Asia.

    Their friendly and understanding staff not only attended me as fast as possible ( despite the crowd ) but also helped me transfer all my huge academic data from my old hard disk to new one giving me courage I can make it on time.

    They not only saved my time, career and tears but also a hard core loyal customer as me...

    Any IT issue Bizgram Asia is the name... YOUR IT PARTNER - “for life". With best updated prices, IT knowledge, friendly staff and very good service, now with online presence shopping made easy.…

    Thanks for saving me and my career...!!!

    Cheers... YOU guys rock..!!!

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    1. guysmilez
       30 Aug 2012 at 11:14 am
         Bizgram Asia (Sim Lim Square,batam Centre) - Shopping   Bizgram Asia (Sim Lim Square,batam Centre) - Shopping   Bizgram Asia (Sim Lim Square,batam Centre) - Shopping   Bizgram Asia (Sim Lim Square,batam Centre) - Shopping

      I have purchased many times from their store and also from their online website for many years. I have experienced good level of service from them and have always noticed customers filled in their showroom. It is a sign of good service, quality and price. Sometimes waiting time can be long to be attended but then it is worth the wait for their service. They are one of the good shops I would support in Sim Lim Square. They also have a service centre dedicated for repairs / upgrading of computers which makes me more confident and builds trust to get the work done from them as a sold provider of all services related to computers and IT Technology. Their pricelist is always updated on their website, iphone/android app and even regular promotions by emails

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