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Like scrapbooks? Cute and interesting blog that features stationery and add-ons like scrap book paper, punch-outs and stickers. Am finishing up my first scrap book and needed more supplies - and stumbled upon this site. Reasonably priced, decent collection, order through email or contact form on page.

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    » 1 Review for “Buttonblog ” - Shopping

  1. gromitknits
     05 Nov 2010 at 11:19 pm
       Buttonblog - Shopping   Buttonblog - Shopping

    Found this interesting scrap blog shop featuring scrapbook materials like punch outs and stickers, scrap book paper, bag organisers and stamps in tin boxes, and so on... There are also pretty tins and stamp kits. The selection is alright but not as good as Krafers' Paradise which I go to at City Square Mall. Responsive to emails (the last I checked, they were following up with me on an order) and letting me know there are new stocks coming in, which is great! Prices are reasonable too... Check them out. Only downside is that I do wish there was a phone number I could call for more immediate assistance with my order...

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