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33, Lorong Kilat
#01-01, Kilat Centre (opp. Bukit Timah CC)
Postal code: Show postal code
Telephone: (65) 6877-9008
Shopping (Online) » Flowers & Gifts
Photos of Cake Avenue - Shopping (Online)

A online cake shop that provides same day delivery!

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    » 1 Review for “Cake Avenue ” - Shopping (Online)

  1. bigisbeauti4
     24 Sep 2007 at 12:05 am
       Cake Avenue - Shopping (Online)

    On National Day 08/09/07

    Ryan in Aus : Today is my gf's birthday, is it possible to help me order a cake and deliver to her place?

    Me: HUH? It's a bit late but I will try... Maybe a cake and flowers?

    (P.S. Ryan is in Aus and his gf is in Sin)

    Immediately I log on my computer... I spent the next 30 mins surfing around for a cake and flowers... Finally... (check out my review on this too)

    I called both shops cos I have past their cut off time. But thank god... Both shops are so nice! I manage to order a 24cm Tiramisu Cheese Cake and 12 stalks of Purple Roses. They can deliver before 6 pm! I called around 1 pm...

    The person in charge for Cake Avenue is SUPERB nice! She tried her best to accomplish my mission impossible... Not forgetting it's a public holiday!

    According to Ryan the Tiramisu is juz so-so.. At least not the best Tiramisu his gf ever had... But with the right service attutide, I will definately go back to Cake Avenue to order birthday...

    Most important, they have wide range of birthday cake to choose from... Same day delivery is possible depending on what they have... Yes they deliver to door step!

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