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Listing » Arts and Entertainment » Radio and Televisions

Radio and Televisions category

11. MediaCorp Channel 5

Category: Radio and Televisions
Reviews: 1 reviews 
Singapore Arts & Entertainment Review: 3 out of 5show_ratings_2show_ratings_3show_ratings_4show_ratings_5
"I can say that watching Mediacorp Channel 5 is included in my daily routine. It has been a good source of information and entertainment. I like watching the 9.30pm news as it gives a great roundup of what transpired throughout the day. It is news that’s good, far different from what I used to listen to before, back in my home country, the Philip..." [Read more reviews about MediaCorp Channel 5]

12. Mob TV

Category: Radio and Televisions
Reviews: 1 reviews 
Singapore Arts & Entertainment Review: 5 out of 5show_ratings_2show_ratings_3show_ratings_4show_ratings_5
"I like Mobtv! Sometimes when i'm out til late, i'll miss some of my favourite shows on television and that's where mobtv comes in useful. The fees are highly affordable. Also, downloading of the shows is very fast and does not lag at all. The best thing is, you don't have to watch the advertistments! For some of the shows, you can watch them even b..." [Read more reviews about Mob TV]

13. 987FM

Category: Radio and Televisions
Reviews: 1 reviews 
Singapore Arts & Entertainment Review: 4 out of 5show_ratings_2show_ratings_3show_ratings_4show_ratings_5
""Ping..." "Yes Pong?" "I don't know how to fill up the form." "Why Pong?" "I don't know what to write for 'sign here'" "Aiyoh Pong, why you so stupid?" "You're a leo, so write leo loh!" These two characters are my bf's and my favorite! Every night we would want to listen to them just to hear what they have to say. I miss their show. Hope they'll b..." [Read more reviews about 987FM]

14. 938 Live

Category: Radio and Televisions
Reviews: 1 reviews 
Singapore Arts & Entertainment Review: 4 out of 5show_ratings_2show_ratings_3show_ratings_4show_ratings_5
"938Live is a good companion on the way to work. It fills you in with the right news you need, keeping you updated in the local and international contexts. They have call-in from listeners who share their views on major news or issues, which I found really interesting. It can be entertaining, too, at times. Surely, the hosts are great and a special ..." [Read more reviews about 938 Live]

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