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Listing » Eating Places » Coffee Shops

Coffee Shops category

51. Wanton Mee (Blk 326 Woodlands)

Category: Coffee Shops
Reviews: 1 reviews 
Singapore Eating Places Review: 5 out of 5show_ratings_2show_ratings_3show_ratings_4show_ratings_5
"Would you believe it if I tell you this coffeeshop has depended solely on the customers brought in by this single stall? Would you believe if I say I would sometimes delay my sleep just to await the first sunrise to buy my breakfast from this stall? Honestly, there isn't really a brand or stall name. At least it isn't displayed publicly. Over the ..." [Read more reviews about Wanton Mee (Blk 326 Woodlands)]

52. Tian Wai Tian Fishhead Steamboat

Category: Coffee Shops, Steamboat
Reviews: 1 reviews 
Singapore Eating Places Review: 3 out of 5show_ratings_2show_ratings_3show_ratings_4show_ratings_5
Photos of Tian Wai Tian Fishhead Steamboat - Eating PlacesPhotos of Tian Wai Tian Fishhead Steamboat - Eating PlacesPhotos of Tian Wai Tian Fishhead Steamboat - Eating PlacesPhotos of Tian Wai Tian Fishhead Steamboat - Eating PlacesPhotos of Tian Wai Tian Fishhead Steamboat - Eating Places
"Tian Wai Tian has been around for as long as i remember, and i believe they need no introduction. Located just besides the PIE expressway at the Upper Serangoon road exit. If you are coming from train, then stop at Potong Pasir MRT on the North-east line. There isn’t any ambience to talk about, Tian Wai Tian is your typical zi..." [Read more reviews about Tian Wai Tian Fishhead Steamboat]

53. Siriwan Thai Food (Golden Mile Complex)

Category: Asian, Coffee Shops
Reviews: 1 reviews 
Singapore Eating Places Review: 4 out of 5show_ratings_2show_ratings_3show_ratings_4show_ratings_5
Photos of Siriwan Thai Food (Golden Mile Complex) - Eating PlacesPhotos of Siriwan Thai Food (Golden Mile Complex) - Eating PlacesPhotos of Siriwan Thai Food (Golden Mile Complex) - Eating PlacesPhotos of Siriwan Thai Food (Golden Mile Complex) - Eating PlacesPhotos of Siriwan Thai Food (Golden Mile Complex) - Eating Places
"If you enjoy thai food yet do not want to fly thousands of KM to thailand, theres always the little thailand in Golden Mile Complex. We settled for Siriwan amidst the many other small diners in the mildly air-conditioned mall because our dearest friend mentioned that they have one of the best Mookata's amongst them all. So we sat at one of the outs..." [Read more reviews about Siriwan Thai Food (Golden Mile Complex)]

54. Mixed Rice (Coffeeshop Opp AIA Tanjong Pagar At Keong Saik (Keong Saik road)

Category: Coffee Shops
Reviews: 1 reviews 
Singapore Eating Places Review: 3 out of 5show_ratings_2show_ratings_3show_ratings_4show_ratings_5
Photos of Mixed Rice (Coffeeshop Opp AIA Tanjong Pagar At Keong Saik (Keong Saik road) - Eating PlacesPhotos of Mixed Rice (Coffeeshop Opp AIA Tanjong Pagar At Keong Saik (Keong Saik road) - Eating PlacesPhotos of Mixed Rice (Coffeeshop Opp AIA Tanjong Pagar At Keong Saik (Keong Saik road) - Eating Places
"This coffeeshop opposite the AIA Tanjong Pagar along Keong Saik Road has a stall which sells the "mixed dishes rice". i ordered 2 meat and 1 egg. wow only $3.50!!! Reasonable right? The sweet and sour pork is so crunchy!!! Yummy yummy. The meat is cooked just nice not hard and oily. The steam egg woohoo.. Fantastic. Got those home cooked food feel...." [Read more reviews about Mixed Rice (Coffeeshop Opp AIA Tanjong Pagar At Keong Saik (Keong Saik road)]

55. Charco’s - The Flaming Chicken

Category: Coffee Shops
Reviews: 1 reviews 
Singapore Eating Places Review: 4 out of 5show_ratings_2show_ratings_3show_ratings_4show_ratings_5
Photos of Charco’s - The Flaming Chicken - Eating PlacesPhotos of Charco’s - The Flaming Chicken - Eating PlacesPhotos of Charco’s - The Flaming Chicken - Eating PlacesPhotos of Charco’s - The Flaming Chicken - Eating PlacesPhotos of Charco’s - The Flaming Chicken - Eating Places
"Saw that this place was so crowded that there are people standing and waiting for empty seats. At a glance, majority of the diners are Malay but there are a few tables of Chinese diners. One look at the tables and we realised that everyone is busy enjoying the Western food from this stall which have diners occupying the whole coffee shop.
[Read more reviews about Charco’s - The Flaming Chicken]

56. M2 Western Foods

Category: American, Coffee Shops
Reviews: 1 reviews 
Singapore Eating Places Review: 4 out of 5show_ratings_2show_ratings_3show_ratings_4show_ratings_5
"I can't be sure if this stall really serves gourmet western food as it claims to do, but it does whip up a mean plate of ox-tail stew with rice ($9). It was surprisingly light on the palate for a dish with a huge chunk of ox-tail, stewed vegetables, cheese and rice. I liked it when the meat came off the bone so effortlessly. The ..." [Read more reviews about M2 Western Foods]

57. Mary Corner

Category: Coffee Shops
Reviews: 1 reviews 
Singapore Eating Places Review: 3 out of 5show_ratings_2show_ratings_3show_ratings_4show_ratings_5
Photos of Mary Corner - Eating PlacesPhotos of Mary Corner - Eating PlacesPhotos of Mary Corner - Eating PlacesPhotos of Mary Corner - Eating Places
"This store should have existed for a very long time now. I can still vaguely remember how my mom would buy their tau kwa for me to eat when i am just a kid. Yes, am indeed surprised that this store still exists after so many years. Perhaps, its special and unique recipe can indeed satisfy the taste buds of many people here. Mary corner is locate..." [Read more reviews about Mary Corner]

58. Beverages- Beft Cafe (Yishun)

Category: Coffee Shops
Reviews: 1 reviews 
Singapore Eating Places Review: 5 out of 5show_ratings_2show_ratings_3show_ratings_4show_ratings_5
"I always ordered their ice-lemon tea while my dad will order their black coffee. As times past, i always change my preference of ice-lemon tea to black coffee. The reason for my change is because, the black coffee taste really nice. Even if is without sugar, i can still finished the whole cup. One cup of black coffee cost up to 80 or ..." [Read more reviews about Beverages- Beft Cafe (Yishun)]

59. Astons Express (Jurong East)

Category: Coffee Shops, Steakhouses
Reviews: 1 reviews 
Singapore Eating Places Review: 4 out of 5show_ratings_2show_ratings_3show_ratings_4show_ratings_5
"CAFE Dining Class Food in the HeartLand.. Whats the difference... I say.. its saving money on airconditioning while we SAVE GAIA.... I am soo In..... Whoes more In? My daddy and mummy or me? Of course Dad n Mum... Because they secretly rendevouz at the Astons while i was having my boring honey stars with milk at home. Yes.. Thats My Mum and My D..." [Read more reviews about Astons Express (Jurong East)]

60. YU KEE DUCK RICE (Liang Seah Street)

Category: Coffee Shops
Reviews: 1 reviews 
Singapore Eating Places Review: 4 out of 5show_ratings_2show_ratings_3show_ratings_4show_ratings_5
Photos of YU KEE DUCK RICE (Liang Seah Street) - Eating PlacesPhotos of YU KEE DUCK RICE (Liang Seah Street) - Eating Places
"If you enjoy duck rice as much as I do then you must try Yu Kee's Duck Rice.... Its the rich caramelized sauce that made the difference. Flavorful and extremely unforgettable that goes well drizzled atop the soft and tender deboned duck and on the rice. There are many different ways of eating this braised duck, teochew styled.... You can have in..." [Read more reviews about YU KEE DUCK RICE (Liang Seah Street)]

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