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18 Cross Street
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Shopping » Bazaars & Flea Markets

    Overall Rating:
    » 2 Reviews for “China Square Central Flea Market ” - Shopping

  1. Polarbear
     11 Oct 2007 at 11:31 am

    The flea market jz happens out PF (China Sq). It alwasy attracts a crowd of people to go there see see look look.

    Since I am there on Sundays for gym, I will walk around to see if there is anything good to buy.

    Most of the people that set up stalls there are old people with a wide variety of both old (very old!) stuff or slightly newer things. Like Claudia had mentioned, you can find all the old toys, CD, even clothings there. Mostly 2nd hand stuff.

    I am always on the look out for old toys, especially those that I had been playing since I was young. Those really bring back good memories.

    Like all flea markets (I think), you can bargain with the seller for good price.

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    1. claud
       03 Jul 2007 at 3:00 pm
      Please upgrade your Flash Player

      Great place to check out on Sundays. This Flea Market has been around for many years. (It was previously at Clarke Quay if I'm not wrong.)

      What you'll find there? Collectors items, Toys, Vintage stuff, Second-hand stuff, Fashion accessories, bags and many many interesting finds.

      Do give this place a go if you've got no where to shop on Sunday.

      Nearest MRT station: Chinatown or Raffles Place

      Updated 7 September 2008 I was back again recently and took a video of what you will usually find at China Square Central Flea Market.

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      Comments on this review:
      1. Polarbear
        Polarbear said:
        I think the nearest mrt should be Clarke Quay or Raffles Place. Nearer to walk.
        11 Oct 2007 at 11:32 am
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