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    » 2 Reviews for “Class 95 ” - Arts & Entertainment

  1. wolverine009
     16 Nov 2007 at 10:51 pm

    I have been listening to Class 95 for many years. However if you were to ask me who the djs were or what programmes they had, that i cant tell as my memory has failed me.

    However, I have admit the present morning express show (6-10am) can be quirky at times and gets the sardonic laugh out of you other times. the morning crew - FD and glenn definitely know they roles well. Once there was a topic on what type of cats should the two deejays be... that was an interesting segment. :) one listener relayed that FD should be coffee shop cat .

    I would recommend one to listen to the morning express as it definitely brightens your day.

    Another programme worth listening to me is the love songs (9-1am). What can I say, I like ballads and the love songs they play there are beautiful. It gets you into the mood... helps me to relax. it plays a mixture of late 80s, early 90s and modern love songs...

    Check it out!!:)

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    Rating given:5 stars
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    Comments on this review:
    1. eeml
      eeml said:
      I like love songs too... in the past they used to have blind dates and i would always remember to catch it. it's a pity they dun have it anymore....
      23 May 2008 at 9:56 am
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  2. superchewy
     15 Oct 2007 at 2:09 pm

    In the past I used to think that class 95 is for old people. When i was in my teens i'm a fan of Perfect 10 and Power 98, and Class 95 was never an option. Ironically I've been converted to Class 95 fan and listener for 2yrs.I enjoy the mixture of their slow,soothing oldies and pop hits.It's the mixture of songs that make me enjoy singing.I like to listen to the oldies because some songs just flood my memory with it.If i have a car i would like the idea of cruising around and just listening to class 95 and blast it!

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    Rating given:4 stars
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