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Blk 399 Yung Sheng Road #01-55
Postal code: Show postal code
Telephone: (65) 6268-0232
Beauty and Wellness » Clinics

    Overall Rating:
    » 2 Reviews for “Family Point Clinic ” - Beauty and Wellness

  1. X
     14 Sep 2009 at 10:19 am

    I consult Dr Yang on most of my visits here. Some aspects that I thought could be improved is the lack of a wide range of medicine. What if a patient is allergic to some medicine and the clinic only stock the type he is sensitive to with no other alternative medicine for his condition?

    Another thing is that the Dr ought to take patients complaint a little more seriously. I consulted him for acne problems, and he gave me a gel. Initially it was fine but after a month, rashes and eye irritation began to develop. We all thought it was be'cos of environmental irritation and I recovered. I went back to using the gel, but now when I use it my skin become red. I thought it was alright as some medication will cause temporary redness and the DR told me this gel will react with light to cause some sunburn. I actually returned to ask him about it but he ensured me it was nothing. I foolishly continued using it and my skin got worse. Finally I had to see another Dr.

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    1. Alpha
       17 Jul 2009 at 3:37 pm

      This clinic is run by 3 doctors- 2 ladies & 1 male. But most of the time, the male Chinese doctor is on duty.

      The clinic itself is air-con, has a TV and a children playhouse. But the leather covering of its seats are all in tatters, it looks awful and I wish they would do something about it.

      Well, I guess the medical expertise of the doctors is more important than the appearance of the clinic. The male doctor, Dr Yang, is serious, observant and tries hard to educate his patients. For example, he will use diagrams to explain his patients' conditions to them.

      On peak hours, you may have to wait for a while for your turn.

      Charges are average at about $30 odd for treatment of common illnesses.

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