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5 Reviews
68 Orchard Road
#07-10/14, Plaza Singapura
Postal code: Show postal code
Telephone: (65) 1900 912-1234
Arts and Entertainment » Cinemas

Golden Village was established to develop and operate modern, luxurious multiplex cinemas. Golden Village’s first imprint in Singapore was made on 28 May 1992 with the successful opening of the Yishun 10 cinema complex. Today, Golden Village has a reputation of offering more choice, comfort and convenience at its cinemas.

    Overall Rating:
    » 5 Reviews for “Golden Village (Plaza Singapura) ” - Arts & Entertainment

  1. fin1710
     06 Jul 2008 at 5:08 pm

    The lights in this cinema's ticket box office and the hallway to the theatres are not too dim. The seats in the theatres are also quite comfortable.

    The seats are not cramp at all and there's enough space for my legs (I have long legs). My neck doesn't ache at all too.

    The air-conditioner there is also not too cold for me unlike in other cinemas. I don't have to bring a jacket there. =)

    So far this is my favourite cinema for watching movies.

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    1. WishBoNe
       06 Dec 2007 at 5:29 pm

      I've watched a few movies at this cinema a few times and I love the legroom as it's not too small so that I can't squeeze to let other patrons passing through.

      During my recent screening there, the lights weren't dimmed but abruptly switched off as if someone forgot to install a dimming effect for them. While that isn't the major fault, it felt awkward.

      For the seats, they are rather comfortable while the armrest couldn't be kept in between the seats when being pushed up. The sound effects were good.

      Overall, this was a good place to watch movies.

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      Rating given:4 stars
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