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126 East Coast Road
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Eating Places » Coffee Shops
Restaurants » Chinese (Traditional)
Photos of Hai Kee (Soy) Sauce Chicken Rice.Noodles - Eating PlacesPhotos of Hai Kee (Soy) Sauce Chicken Rice.Noodles - Eating PlacesPhotos of Hai Kee (Soy) Sauce Chicken Rice.Noodles - Eating Places

    Overall Rating:
    » 1 Review for “Hai Kee (Soy) Sauce Chicken Rice.Noodles ” - Eating Places

  1. His Food Blog
     23 Apr 2008 at 1:32 am
       Hai Kee (Soy) Sauce Chicken Rice.Noodles - Eating Places   Hai Kee (Soy) Sauce Chicken Rice.Noodles - Eating Places   Hai Kee (Soy) Sauce Chicken Rice.Noodles - Eating Places

    Across the road from Katong Mall – at the corner before the traffic light lies a coffee shop with a signboard that screams “126 Beer Garden”!!! Situated along East Coast Road – a gem is holed within this very cosy coffee shop – Hai Kee (Soy) Sauce Chicken Rice & Noodle.

    Formerly from Upper Cross Street, what strikes me amid the new and colourful signage was the doggy looking yellow board placed behind – rustic and oily facade – a trademark of tradition!

    I proceed to order a plate of Dry Soy Sauce Chicken Noodle ($3) and I wasn’t disappointed by the noodles. The texture of the noodles was very pliable and bouncy – cooked just right to give it that extra bite. However, I was a little dismayed that some of the chicken pieces were smashed before being chopped up, so what you get are seemingly heaps of “flatten meat” that does not come with any bite in it.

    It would be acceptable if it is done on a plate of mushroom and shredded chicken noodle – but not when one is having a plate of soy sauce chicken noodle. But for the two pieces of chicken that weren’t done that way, it was tender and succulent, and its skin – flavoursome. Given a choice I would rather make do with few pieces of the beefy chicken meat than heaps of such squash ones anytime.

    You can view more photos and other reviews @ His Food Blog.

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