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930 Yishun Avenue 2
Northpoint #B1-46
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Food and Beverages » Tea House
Photos of Herbal Tea - Food & Beverages

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    » 1 Review for “Herbal Tea ” - Food & Beverages

  1. x33kawaii-lov3
     15 Feb 2012 at 11:59 pm
       Herbal Tea - Food & Beverages

    Chrysanthemum tea! Bought this chrysanthemum tea from the herbal shop. It was my time buying from this herbal shop and the price was reasonable.(:

    On the whole, the drink was okay, but it was too sweet. There was not really a strong taste of the chrysanthemum, rather a stronger taste of sugar:x

    It would have been better if lesser sugar were added. Should have used natural sweetening ingredients rather than sweeten the drink with lots of sugar.

    Other than that, the drink was actually thirst quenching, soothing for throat. Should have drink more herbal drinks rather than bubble teas. It is healthier.(:

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