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Blk 154 Serangoon North Ave 1
Postal code: Show postal code
Telephone: (65) 6284-9621
Pets » Pet Shops
Photos of House Of Chinchilla (Serangoon North) - Pets

Supplier of small live pets, pet food, accessories and other supplies

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    » 1 Review for “House Of Chinchilla (Serangoon North) ” - Pets

  1. thinkefy
     07 Oct 2013 at 10:11 am
       House Of Chinchilla (Serangoon North) - Pets

    House of Chin is infamous for their good and reliable supply of live chinchillas. Like its name, house of chinchilla specializes in mostly Chinchillas however they also do provide other small live pets such as guinea pigs, pretty rabbits and everybody's first pet, the hamsters.

    Chinchilla are very special animals yet the cuteness and interactiveness is beyond that of a small pet. They sleep during the day and must be kept in a cool environment, as in approx 25 degrees and will get a heat stroke if it gets too warm, as I'm being told by the friendly staff there. They are fun and will come to play with you when they awaken in the night. They are like a racoon and a cat and loves to climb. It sleeps like a teddy bear and is cuddily. The inside of the humble looking shop is full air-conditioned yet its not stinky. There are a few cute looking chins sleeping at the corner of their cages and its surprising clean. Goods and stuffs are properly stacked and the little cute animals looked so happy.

    Though you can only look at the animals, carrying and touching is not allowed to preserve the integrity of the animals as they say. I personally feel that theres somehow an obstacle for bonding if I cannot touch the pets. Yet I must warn you, the prices for the chins, guinea pigs and rabbits are pretty steep here. But I'm sure the quality and breed is pedigree. I'm looking for something average and emotional for a pet thus I left without buying anything. It no doubt a good shop with a good variety of pedigrees.

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