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529 Balestier Road
Postal code: Show postal code
Telephone: (65) 6250-3008
Restaurants » Chinese (Traditional)
Photos of House of Tau Sar Piah - RestaurantsPhotos of House of Tau Sar Piah - Restaurants

    Overall Rating:
    » 1 Review for “House of Tau Sar Piah ” - Restaurants

  1. mystery
     17 Mar 2009 at 1:21 pm
       House of Tau Sar Piah - Restaurants   House of Tau Sar Piah - Restaurants

    My friend spotted this place while in balestier area over the weekends and bought some tau sar piah for me.

    They have more then 11 types of tau sar piah with different fillings.

    The ones with white sesame on top belongs to the sweet type, which I like coz it's not too sweet like some others. The ones with the right circle fills with black sesame, i find it abit too dry. The plain type belongs to the salty group but it's too plain, not much taste at all.

    Taste is very individual, there are alot of regular customers going daily or buying in bulk.

    I might try other flavours the next time I am there or get my friend to buy for me :P

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