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726 Upper Changi Road East
Postal code: Show postal code
Telephone: (65) 6542-8783
Restaurants » Fusion
Photos of Hubs (SIA Sports Club) - RestaurantsPhotos of Hubs (SIA Sports Club) - RestaurantsPhotos of Hubs (SIA Sports Club) - Restaurants

    Overall Rating:
    » 1 Review for “Hubs (SIA Sports Club) ” - Restaurants

  1. Lucardia
     01 May 2008 at 1:07 am
       Hubs (SIA Sports Club) - Restaurants   Hubs (SIA Sports Club) - Restaurants   Hubs (SIA Sports Club) - Restaurants

    Hubs the restaurant is not open to the public as this is an exclusive club reserved only for the employees of Singapore Airlines. So how did i get in to have a meal and even do a review on this place? Well, i play badminton here almost every week and basically, my dad's a member so i get to visit the place for a meal when i want to. On to the important part then!

    3 course set lunch for $9.90

    Soup of the day (Mushroom Soup) - Being from the service industry, i can say that the service rendered by the floor manager at Hubs is impeccably good. He made a good attempt to engage me in conversation, find me a seat even though the restaurant was packed and made me feel comfortable even though i was at a totally foreign place with no one i knew of. Having lunch alone is weird actually. The soup was nothing noteworthy i should say, just a simple mushroom soup probably fresh out of a campbell's can. A little salty but still alright.

    Sweet and Sour Dory with Mashed Potatoes - I like the mashed potatoes on this one. Very soft and still maintaining a little spring to it. The dory is normal. Basically, sweet and sour pork but replayed with fish. Nothing too fancy but not entirely bad either.

    Chendol? Red Bean? - There was dessert as well and this was actually warm. I have no idea what this is but its got coconut milk, red beans and jelly in it as well. Its not too sweet and honestly, i was quite amused by the taste. To round off the entire meal was a cup of coffee. Again, nothing out of the ordinary but still sufficient.

    The bill came up to $11.65 for one person for a 3 course meal.

    Given the price, i'd say its a pretty good deal to have lunch here. 3 course meal that actually fills you up, tastes average and yet provide a nice environment. Its pretty much a steal. There are ala carte items which i'm pretty sure will be worth a try. Will attempt a revisit sometime in the future.

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