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7 people tending this small stall and there\'s still a queue... U should know what it meant... Slurpz
Food Taste: Regular, as expected
Owner Attitude: Nonchalent and did what they should
Waiting Time: 10 to 15 mins
Hygene Level: marginally acceptable
Price: Its affordable and reasonable!
Location Convenience: Acceptable
Overall Rating: Average
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1=SGD 0.0587
Overall Rating: »
1 Review for “I.Mohamed Ismail Food Stall (boon Lay Market Prata) ” - Eating Places
7 people tending this small stall and there\'s still a queue... U should know what it meant... Slurpz
Food Taste: Regular, as expected
Owner Attitude: Nonchalent and did what they should
Waiting Time: 10 to 15 mins
Hygene Level: marginally acceptable
Price: Its affordable and reasonable!
Location Convenience: Acceptable
Overall Rating: Average
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