i stumbled across this website while surfing the net and was impressed by the young owner jeanine, of this website who made all the accessories by herself with her own designs. she was featured in some mags as shown in her website and i thought, 'wow, quite an accomplishment for a young lady'
the owner is very friendly, prompt in replying to emails and patient to my never ending questions.
her items are unique and quite creative. you can even custom make accessories with your own design and jeanine can make it out for you accordingly. i have some custom made myself at reasonable prices.
when items are delivered to you, they are packaged with sweet little notes and very customized id say.
to be frank, i think some of the materials used can be improved and certains items i think are abit overpriced. but i think it all depends on whats the expectation of the person while looking at the pictures of her items.
nevertheless, i do admire jeanine for her creativity and sometimes its good to just let her design an item for you when you give her a specific theme. becoz it seems like some of my ideas didnt work out well, but hey im not a designer you know haha
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1 Review for “Jeanine Gabrielle ” - Shopping (Online)
i stumbled across this website while surfing the net and was impressed by the young owner jeanine, of this website who made all the accessories by herself with her own designs. she was featured in some mags as shown in her website and i thought, 'wow, quite an accomplishment for a young lady'
the owner is very friendly, prompt in replying to emails and patient to my never ending questions.
her items are unique and quite creative. you can even custom make accessories with your own design and jeanine can make it out for you accordingly. i have some custom made myself at reasonable prices.
when items are delivered to you, they are packaged with sweet little notes and very customized id say.
to be frank, i think some of the materials used can be improved and certains items i think are abit overpriced. but i think it all depends on whats the expectation of the person while looking at the pictures of her items.
nevertheless, i do admire jeanine for her creativity and sometimes its good to just let her design an item for you when you give her a specific theme. becoz it seems like some of my ideas didnt work out well, but hey im not a designer you know haha
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