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1 Jurong West Central 2, #01-61 Jurong Point Shopping Centre
Shopping » Fashion
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    » 1 Review for “Joop ” - Shopping

  1. Alpha
     22 Apr 2012 at 7:50 pm

    Located at JP 2, Joop seem to be running a thriving business. On most occasions I visited it, there will be several customers in it. Its shop space isn't very large so it can be a little squzese.

    Joop sell female clothes targeted at the mid-teens to early thirties age group. Its designs are girlish and trendy. Prices range from about $40 for a top to $70 for a dress. Every now and then, it will offer some promotion like $20 off if total spending is above $100. However, it doesn't have sales often even during GSS I don't recall it having a sales.

    The designs can be a little revealing as knee-length or shorter dresses and skirts are its typical offerings. Slightly low-cut dresses are often offered too. The materials used are average, but the designs are up-to-date and feminine. For eg, lace, frills, ribbons are incorporated.

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