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5 Stadium Walk
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Shopping » Malls

    Overall Rating:
    » 4 Reviews for “Kallang Leisure Park ” - Shopping

  1. mood
     07 May 2008 at 5:10 pm

    Actually it's better for a family shopping place coz i hate crowds, and i like it there as it's more relaxing to shop, not like in Orchard Road where everything is fast moving and so crowded. Even though the shops are limited but great space if you have kids who just doesn't hold on to your hands. For a nice Saturday evening shopping with family, can try this place. But remember shops are limited.

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    1. feizhu
       05 May 2008 at 11:53 pm

      I've been to the new Kallang Leisure Park quite a few times since its reopening. There's a cinema, a KBox, a supermarket, an ice skating rink as well as some other shops. The place still seems quite dead when I went to the Kbox there a couple of weeks back. But the place has potential when the new kallang stadium is completed. Question remains to be seen if the tenants can last that long in the first place.

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      Comments on this review:
      1. Polarbear
        Polarbear said:
        I think business will pick up when the MRT station opens.
        06 May 2008 at 9:56 am
      2. feizhu
        feizhu said:
        which is when? haha
        06 May 2008 at 10:00 am
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    2. sweetcore
       23 Apr 2008 at 5:39 pm

      i used to hang out at kallang leisure park long ago before its revamp, only because of the ice skating rink. the place is usually dead and lifeless, except during national day and if there is a concert at indoor stadium. i expected the place to really liven up after the renovations, since it's already quite an old building. the new mall was very nicely done and compared to the past, it was really impressive. there were many new cafes, restaurants, and more choices for fast food. there are also new shops that sells sporting equipment, dvds, video games, clothes and etc. they still have the skating rink and arcade, and it's definitely much bigger and better than before. in addition, there is also a new cinema. though the name of the cinema doesn't ring a bell to me but the interior of the theater and the seats are quite comfortable. but anyway, the crowd there is still quite pathetic like before but i guess it will get alot better after the new mrt station next to the building is launch. it will definitely make the place more accessible!

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