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1 Bukit Batok Central Link
B1-04 West Mall
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Food and Beverages » Bakeries
Photos of Little Jerry’s Cookies (West Mall) - Food & BeveragesPhotos of Little Jerry’s Cookies (West Mall) - Food & BeveragesPhotos of Little Jerry’s Cookies (West Mall) - Food & Beverages

    Overall Rating:
    » 3 Reviews for “Little Jerry’s Cookies (West Mall) ” - Food & Beverages

  1. Kingston
     12 Jul 2010 at 1:21 am

    To each his own taste.

    Well, My family likes the cranberry and rainbow joy. Is all just a matter of preferences...........

    Everytime we visit westmall, my children sure to pester me to buy cookies. They can easily remember the cookies name.

    So if is not a matter of preferences, then maybe I guessed my children are just being low class I guess, or probably maybe I cannot afford to buy them Famous Amos.....................

    From my view, their cookies are not as sweet. I once read, Healthy food is never tasty, Tasty food is never healthy, Is your choice

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    1. Jeslyn Tee
       14 May 2008 at 10:00 pm

      Went and bought the Double Chocolate mint and didn't understand why its called "Double choc". It has only a tinee winee hint of any minty taste and the taste doesn't blend at all. Also bought the Cranberry and felt that it actually tasted abit weird and too dry.

      Both flavors gave me the feeling that Little Jerry's wants to do it good but doesn't put in enough effort. Both flavors also leaves a floury after-taste that coats the mouth uncomfortably.

      Service wasn't too good as well though the shop front looks good.

      Although the price is lower than Famous Amos or or Mrs Fields, I will gladly pay more for Famous Amos delicious cookies than Little Jerry's. However, there are other flavors like the Oat or Macadamia flavor that I would like to try as they look nice to me... will update the review once I tried the rest.

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      Comments on this review:
      1. smudger
        smudger said:
        yeap yeap i agree! rather spend more on amos or mrs fields (:
        15 May 2008 at 9:57 am
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    2. smudger
       25 Apr 2008 at 12:44 pm
         Little Jerry   Little Jerry   Little Jerry

      I had a craving for cookies as of late. I decided to give this shop a try, which I pass by during lunch almost everyday.

      I didn't really know this shop has various outlets elsewhere in Singapore too. Prolly I was too engrossed in Famous Amos or Mrs. Fields.

      I couldn't make up my mind but resultantly, I bought the Double Chocolate Mint and Rainbow Joy. The Rainbow Joy comes in 2 flavours, namely chocolate and vanilla. The name comes from the M&Ms on top of this cookie.

      I find their cookie is a bit crunchier than my liking. My colleagues and I felt that the cookies is albeit oily too. The double chocolate mint cookie is more unique and leaves a longer impression. On the other hand, the rainbow joy is one to forget.

      The good for this place is the price. The pricing is slightly lower than the usual cookie joints I mentioned previously. But I feel that the quality does not match the price. There can be room for improvements.

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      Rating given:3 stars
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      Comments on this review:
      1. Lucardia
        Lucardia said:
        Right, but exactly how much did you pay for them?
        25 Apr 2008 at 12:55 pm
      2. smudger
        smudger said:
        their price for cookies are ranged between $3.50 - $4.20 though...
        25 Apr 2008 at 1:12 pm
      3. Jeslyn Tee
        Jeslyn Tee said:
        Hmm.. I was thinking of buying some that day. But I think I will try the Double Choc Mint you mentioned.
        30 Apr 2008 at 12:03 am
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