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Shopping (Online) » Fashion (For Her), Blog Stores
Photos of Lovely Spree - Shopping (Online)Photos of Lovely Spree - Shopping (Online)Photos of Lovely Spree - Shopping (Online)Photos of Lovely Spree - Shopping (Online)Photos of Lovely Spree - Shopping (Online)

Lovelyspree is a Singapore-based online shopping portal.
Best spree deals for ladies fashion from Korea, Taiwan, Japan, China and Hongkong!

With agents all over world which include Taiwan, Korea, Japan, China and Hongkong, they keep a look out for latest apparel and latest fashion trend in different country and bring them to Lovely Spree. The whole ordering process from payment to receiving your items usually do not exceed more than 14 days. This is much faster compared to other spree sites.

At Lovely Spree, we provide our best service to meet our customers' needs. Please feel free to contact us if you have any doubts. Looking forward to hear from you.


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    » 2 Reviews for “Lovely Spree ” - Shopping (Online)

  1. catherinetgk
     19 Aug 2010 at 6:24 pm

    Most online blogshops are small, and created by quite inexperienced people who slowly improve, but their blogs remain very... amateur-ish. As for this blogshop, BAM! It's just like another major shop like Ebay or Gmarket. Seriously the interface is smashing! :) Also, I like that although the blogshop is really on a big scale and all, the prices are still affordable and the variety is great. Just a personal opinion, though. I wish they would include a greater variety of brands and designs from America and Europe. Sure, the prices will be much higher, but I really do not mind that. Honestly, I am sick of Taiwanese online blogshops through and through. No offence intended to anyone.

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    1. lovelyspree
       19 Dec 2009 at 1:17 pm
         Lovely Spree - Shopping (Online)   Lovely Spree - Shopping (Online)   Lovely Spree - Shopping (Online)   Lovely Spree - Shopping (Online)   Lovely Spree - Shopping (Online)

      With agents all over world which include Taiwan, Korea, Japan, China and Hongkong, they keep a look out for latest apparel and latest fashion trend in different country and bring them to Lovely Spree. The whole ordering process from payment to receiving your items usually do not exceed more than 14 days. This is much faster compared to other spree sites.

      At Lovely Spree, we provide our best service to meet our customers' needs. Please feel free to contact us if you have any doubts. Looking forward to hear from you.

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      Rating given:5 stars
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