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28 Maxwell Road
Red Dot Museum
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Shopping » Jewels & Watches, Photography , Home & Decors , Fashion , Bazaars & Flea Markets
Arts and Entertainment » Museum, Performing Venues
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    2. thinkefy
       15 Oct 2013 at 10:07 am
         MAAD - Shopping   MAAD - Shopping   MAAD - Shopping   MAAD - Shopping   MAAD - Shopping

      MAAD is a one of a kind event happening every month. It interestingly attracts all the artistic individuals with music, art, sellable art decoratives, accessories, clothings and things that are out of the world gorgeous and unique pieces mostly handmade.

      Held at the the red dot museum starting in the evening on a faithful friday night is the ideal time and location for us to hang on a weekend evening and you can play till night. Parking is pretty to find, we arrived at about 9pm and the crowd looked promising. Music exudes from the dimly lit back door of the red dot museum and as we entered, we realised the music didn't come from the restaurants or bars but the main halls. As we venture deeper, the crowd became thicker and what greeted us was amazingly many stores displaying everyday stationary, accessories, clothings created by our local artist and some pretty eclectic taste.

      As we ventured down the first hallway, the music of a lady singing in modern jazz became louder and what greeted us was a full scaled band with her audiences seated quietly on the floor enjoying her music... Treading down the crowded hallway, more stalls and I've got myself some pretty amazing accessories as well as a watch that is almost an antique. I noticed a group of 4 personals sitting on a high chair at the very end of the hallway and plenty of others sitting on a lower chair busy scribbling away. On nearer investigation, we realised they were doing a live sketch, some with pencil, some with charcoal and some using crayons... It doesn't matter what you use, its a volunteered event and anybody with a flair for sketching could just pick a chair and start drawing... Love the idea.

      The entire event was fun and educational. I hope this event will never come to an end. Its a great platform for our youths these days especially for the artistic environment. Great event.

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      1. WenWen
         02 Jan 2008 at 8:59 pm

        A great place for shoppers to see what local artist have to offer. I love looking at the whole range of different stuff. As you can see, a lot of great local artist are often located here. Also, it provide crafters like me, a chance to see what other people are doing. However, the price of some of the product may be quite high, as it is priced by the seller themselves. Still, it's a great place to spend your weekend here.

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        1. claud
           05 Aug 2007 at 12:51 am

          Are you going mad and need a place to 'de-mad' yourself? Check out the big red building along Maxwell Road! Yes! It's the infamous red dot museum. It happens every first weekend of the month - MAAD (Market of Artists and Designers) takes place right inside red dot!

          Great stuff they have there! All of the work/project on sale at MAAD are created by the artists and designers! Many cool and unique work can be found at MAAD. The crowd is great fun! You'll sure be greeted by the friendly and fun people at MAAD.

          If you're around the area or wants to find a place to de-mad yourself, check out MAAD at red dot museum!

          Remember! It happens only first weekend of the month! (Don't go there any of the weekend thinking that MAAD will be taking place k....)

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