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    » 3 Reviews for “MediaCorp Channel 8 ” - Arts & Entertainment

  1. thinkefy
     16 Apr 2013 at 10:28 am

    I think mediacorp channel 8 programs and dramas have increased through the years... The quality of television programmes are very much tuned to the taste of local viewers however I would expect less repeats in imported movies especially on holidays.

    I'm also tired of the longstanding soap operas (taiwanese in particular) that lasted for thousands of episode, though it does bear an appeal for some audiences but 3 hours long soap marathon on a weekend is just too much for me to take in. I expect to see better productions and stage designs as with digital channels, we tend to see clearer and more intent or synchronizing backgrounds. The story line has to be more interesting as well though we still love the "and they lived happily ever after" endings, a little twist and turn here n there do jive up the mood.

    As a matter of fact i still love the older dramas such as one that has got historical value and one that recounts the footsteps of our forefathers. I think that will also help educate our future generations in an attractive manner.

    The PG ratings and different ratings for all programs aired is a great way for parents to guide their children. I am extremely receptive of the way television shows responsibility in helping parents categorize different programs with a proper guideline, even the timing of the programs aired take into consideration in types of viewers.

    Though there is still much to improve in content and creativity, I see channel 8 improving and getting there. Strive on :)

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    1. myode
       22 Mar 2009 at 7:22 pm

      If you have watched variety shows from Taiwan, you will notice that the locals are damned lousy. They tried copying, but still lack the "Gs" of a good variety show. They are poor in content, hosts are not quick-witted, these results in "pre-planned" impression to viewers as these programs are not LIVE but pre-recorded to perfection.

      As for the TV serials, they also lose out to the Hong Kong's, the HK's has got good plot for the series. The locals seem to have weak plot which are always predictable for it's ending. No wonder so many aunties & uncles like to watch, because these series are quite "household".

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      1. qqandanan
         26 Aug 2008 at 5:09 am

        I have not watched local shows for a while. Except for those food junkie shows, I have literally watched only documentaries, variety shows, drama serials from the US and Hongkong (on DVDs and cable). The quality of local shows is getting worse. Used to love Channel U but since it merged with Mediacorp, have not been catching any shows of it. Our acting skills are still so exaggerated when to those of Hongkong/USA. Perhaps it is better to pick new stars from drama classes rather than talent search shows.

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