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177 River Valley Road
#B1-50 Liang Court Shopping Centre
Postal code: Show postal code
Telephone: (65) 6339-1111
Shopping » Supermarkets
Photos of Meidi-Ya Supermarket - ShoppingPhotos of Meidi-Ya Supermarket - ShoppingPhotos of Meidi-Ya Supermarket - ShoppingPhotos of Meidi-Ya Supermarket - ShoppingPhotos of Meidi-Ya Supermarket - Shopping

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    » 5 Reviews for “Meidi-Ya Supermarket ” - Shopping

  1. narusegawa
     19 Jan 2009 at 8:40 pm
       Meidi-Ya Supermarket - Shopping

    that's my favourite supermarket, i have been going there since it was daimaru they have many kinds of japanese food & some are cheaper than other supermarket there's a counter that sell soybean,soymilk is very fresh,i love the soymilk,is sugar free recently they have increase the price for some item 2 weeks ago i bought a small cup of ramen for $1.90 last week i saw the same for $2.25 is very expensive for such a small cup of ramen they also will have diff kinds of fair for next month,they have shizuoka fair have to save first before going there

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    1. catherinetgk
       08 Jan 2009 at 7:24 pm

      Meido-Ya ROCKS!

      I love the Japanese food there. The tofu they sell is less than 2 dollars but it's really delicious. All I need to do I dip it in soya sauce. Yummy!

      Meidi-Ya also sells items from America and Europe like Sara Lee frozen products, Ben and Jerry's and Hershey's.

      I heard that the Ice cream (Gelato) they sell there. But I think it's too expensive.

      My favourite part of Meidi-Ya is that it caters to all. The small little food shops there are really good. Also, many Japaese themselves go there to shop so I trust the quality of their products.

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      1. whiteblanko
         30 Nov 2008 at 6:57 pm
           Meidi-Ya Supermarket - Shopping   Meidi-Ya Supermarket - Shopping   Meidi-Ya Supermarket - Shopping   Meidi-Ya Supermarket - Shopping

        saiko. sugoi. suteki. subarashii!! (all mean wonderful)

        i love meidi-ya. i call it japanland2. (japanland1 being isetan shaw, but only because its in a more convenient location)

        the japanese careful attention to detail is most prominent here, with great effort put into..everything. i ooh-ed and aah-ed at everything like a great big suaku when i was in there. :p

        im utterly fascinated by the tofu waterfall. im sure theres some complicated reason behind the continuous flow of water to cool the tofu blocks, other than for aesthetic purposes.

        oh and the POCKY! anata mo watashi no pocky! (jap pocky tagline - you too are my pocky!) there are one million varieties of pocky..ranging from brazilian pudding, mikan (orange) to sharksfin.

        and the giant crab in its little aquarium. a bit scary but very cool. and yummy looking haha.

        the best part has got to be the prepared food section, but when i got there after dinner there wasnt much so no pics. gomen ne!

        all in all, a wonderful experience (: (: (:

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