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6 Reviews
902 East Coast Parkway
Blk B Playground @ Big Spash, #01-11/12
Postal code: Show postal code
Telephone: (65) 6346-3055
Restaurants » European
Photos of Mingles La’ Brassarie (Big Splash) - RestaurantsPhotos of Mingles La’ Brassarie (Big Splash) - RestaurantsPhotos of Mingles La’ Brassarie (Big Splash) - RestaurantsPhotos of Mingles La’ Brassarie (Big Splash) - RestaurantsPhotos of Mingles La’ Brassarie (Big Splash) - Restaurants

    Overall Rating:
    » 6 Reviews for “Mingles La’ Brassarie (Big Splash) ” - Restaurants

  1. Lucardia
     09 May 2008 at 11:02 pm
       Mingles La   Mingles La   Mingles La   Mingles La   Mingles La

    Located at the rejuvenated Big Splash next to the likes of Starbucks, Old Town White coffee, Carl's Junior and 1twentysix, Mingles has somehow managed to differentiate itself from being overly casual nor being hinged on the fine dining bandwagon. What you do get, is a no frills dining area with a cosy atmosphere, excellent service and also value for money.

    The interiors were well lit by the afternoon sun and strategically placed lighting for a cosy and appealing atmosphere. Air conditioning was optimal as it kept the heat out but didn't cool the food too quickly. Seating capacity looked to be somewhere between 50 to 60 people on cushioned chairs with a strong wooden back.

    Pumpkin Soup - We ordered the set meal which basically consisted of a soup, a main course, ice cream and a choice of coffee, tea or soft drink. The cream of pumpkin soup came first and it tasted surprising to me. First of all, its sweet and creamy as pumpkin soup goes but there's also a rather strange hint of indian curry spices in the soup. As it turns out, it tastes like a cross between indian curry and pumpkin soup which is not unpleasant to me but too sweet for FZ.

    Crispy Salmon with Couscous ($23.90) - The salmon came atop a bed of couscous which is basically coarsely ground wheat coated in wheat flour and steamed before serving. The salmon itself is well prepared and pan fried till its skin is fragrant and crispy. Its also worth noting that there is minimal fishy taste which is common in salmon as a whole while the meat was sweet with a rather nice layer of fats and juices left behind. Paired with sweet and slightly sourish mango sabayon and the salmon is a light treat for all lunch goers. The zucchini is basically done via steaming but has retained its crunchy nature for good chewy texture while lacking much taste. Overall, i'd still say the salmon was a good dish.

    Crispy Chicken With Yogurt ($19.90) - FZ's order was the pan seared crispy chicken with mashed potatoes, cilantro yogurt and fennel salad. I didn't get to try the chicken so i'll just leave you with the picture with the closing comments that FZ did not finish the dish as he said the yogurt and mashed potato combination did not suit his tastes. The chicken he did finish however but he said it was average.

    Lime Sorbet with Chocolate Indulgence - My ice cream was the lime sorbet and the chocolate indulgence ice cream. The lime sorbet was extremely sour, to the point that i had to cringe with each taste. The chocolate indulgence was pretty good and had a good balance of bitterness and sweetness in its creamy texture. Incidentally, they were using New Zealand ice cream here as well. Which is leagues better then the ones served on my visit to Miss U cafe.

    Strawberry Cookies and Cream Ice cream - I didn't get to try this as well but it was all finished by the end of the conversation so i'll take it that is was acceptable at least.

    Total bill for 2 people came up to $48.18 for a 3 course lunch. And there was no gst involved at all! Always a plus in my books.

    Good service accompanied by a laid back atmosphere and a quiet indulging lunch definitely gives me strength to continue my journey foward in my work. The one thing about this place is that for a rather budget price during lunch, the food is surprisingly good (to me at least). I honestly wouldn't mind returning for lunch again sometime. A good place to visit.

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    Rating given:4 stars
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    Comments on this review:
    1. Polarbear
      Polarbear said:
      Quite cheap leh!
      12 May 2008 at 10:11 am
    2. Lucardia
      Lucardia said:
      Yeah, its actually rather worth it.
      12 May 2008 at 10:14 am
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  2. Guttercat
     01 Apr 2008 at 12:13 am
       Mingles La   Mingles La   Mingles La   Mingles La   Mingles La

    For some reason, the name of the restaurant evokes a rather bizarre mental imagery of lingerie (brassiere as opposed to brassarie).

    Yes, I do know that a brassarie’s a bar where food and drinks are served, so sue me.

    At any rate, enough with the codswallop & on with the review.

    Soup of the Day 5.9: The Soup of the Day was Cream of Pumpkin, which came with a serving of bread & butter. The soup was thick & creamy, with a touch of sour cream. A mite too sweet, but it went down a treat all the same.

    Beef Carpaccio 13.9: Thinly sliced raw beef tenderloin seasoned with olive oil & lemon juice served with fresh garden salad & grated parmesan cheese. A die die must try for the adventurous foodie, we were damnably lucky to get the last available serving of the evening. The beef was smooth & succulent, with nary a trace of 腥味, & was greatly complemented by the salad. My only regret was that we couldn’t order another portion.

    Capellini Al Funghi 15.9: Fresh assorted mushrooms & asparagus sautéed with capellini pasta & virgin olive oil topped with freshly grated parmesan. Didn’t get to taste it, but the smell of sautéed fungi was rather overpowering.

    Lobster Linguine 22.9: Fresh whole lobster & linguine pasta served with a choice of white wine or pomodoro sauce topped with freshly grated parmesan. When they say lobster, they mean lobster, unlike certain other establishments who’d try to substitute crayfish for the real thing. Didn’t get a taste of this either (‘cept for a bite of the lobster, which was really fresh), but what with my elder daughter wolfing it down, I suppose it can’t be half bad.

    Saint Patrick’s Roast Duck 21.9: Duck confit served with green lentil, fennel salad & duck jus essence. The breast cuts were awesome, together with the duck jus essence; I just couldn’t get enough of them. Sadly, the drumstick itself was a major letdown, being way too dry. Plus, I’d much rather they did away with the fennel salad & just served up some fresh garden greens instead (might be an option, I’ll try asking the next time I pop by).

    Being a Sunday night, the background opera music clashed somewhat with the high noise level. But what really gives this joint the two paws up from GC is the grrreat staff. Affable, attentive, & a mite chatty at times, it’s been too long since I’ve had the pleasure of being served by real professionals (whom, imho, are sorely lacking in da SG).

    As the missus said, “Seeing the staff so friendly, it makes me enjoy the meal all the more.”

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    Rating given:4 stars
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    Comments on this review:
    1. Polarbear
      Polarbear said:
      Sounds good!
      01 Apr 2008 at 9:29 am
    2. Leonard
      Leonard said:
      without friendly staffs, you would find it hard to enjoy your meal. the place seems not bad with the pricing..might decide to check it out! :)
      01 Apr 2008 at 5:36 pm
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  3. feizhu
     27 Feb 2008 at 1:01 am
       Mingles La   Mingles La   Mingles La   Mingles La   Mingles La

    The once popular water theme park at East Coast known as Big Splash has recently been redeveloped as Big Splash @ Playground and is home to a handful of dining outlets, one of which is Mingles La' Brassarie.

    Occupying a premise which can roughly seat about 60 people (estimate), Mingles's interior is simple and clean, tending towards a more casual setting. I personally found the cute half egg shell seats (or whatever you call them) rather appealing, especially for after dinner drinks or dessert.

    Cheese Fries - A side order at $5.90, the portions were somewhat pathetic if you ask me. What was interesting about the fries was that the cheese had BBQ sauce in it, which made the whole concoction cheesy and BBQish at the same time - a nausea inducing combination for me. It didn't help that the fries weren't exactly very fantastic, coming in as average.

    Bangers & Mash - You get to choose your sausages with this order so we had the Swiss Cheese Pork Sausage and Black Pepper Chicken Sausage. I thought that the black pepper sausage was quite good, bursting with flavour with sufficient amount of bite in every mouth. The cheese pork sausage, though not lousy, was a tad disappointing as the taste of the cheese threatened to overwhelm the sausage taste.

    Mingles Ribeye Steak - Weighing in at just over 250g, the ribeye was done up medium rare according to specifications and boasted a saliva inducing lightly charred exterior. However the meat was a little disappointing, a tad lacking in firmness and chewiness. The red wine sauce it was topped with had no inkling of red wine and instead tasted like berry sauce - sweet and fruity. The same sauce overwhelmed the raw taste of the beef at times, which shouldn't be the case really.

    Baked Alaska - The Baked Alaska is essentially ice cream and sponge cake encased within a thick layer of meringue which is then briefly placed in an extremely hot oven to firm the meringue. Mingles's rendition opted to omit the sponge cake which was a mistake in my humble opinion. It tasted exactly like ice cream with whipped cream on top! Give me Borshch's version anytime!

    Dinner for 2 cost about $62 after a 10% credit card discount. I wouldn't call it expensive but it certainly isn't cheap for the average quality of food. Service is excellent though and thats a definite plus.

    See all my pictures here

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    Rating given:3 stars
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    Comments on this review:
    1. Polarbear
      Polarbear said:
      Sounds good but the place a bit ulu. Sigh.....
      27 Feb 2008 at 8:25 am
    2. feizhu
      feizhu said:
      Not ulu what.. its the old big splash
      27 Feb 2008 at 9:56 am
    3. ladyironchef
      ladyironchef said:
      not cheap, not expensive either. but its definitely too far for me. hahah
      27 Feb 2008 at 7:18 pm
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