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Minora jewellers is one of the popular jewellers after GMT JEWELLERS in little india..
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1 Review for “MINORA JEWELLERS (Dunlop Street) ” - Shopping
Minora Jewellers was one of the first to introduce a plan where u may return back ur old gold brought decades ago & top up just $ 1 in return u receive the latest 916k gold with no extra charge. This plan was later copied & modified by other jewellers like GMT. Besides Golds, Minora Jewellers offers plantinum,diamond,gems & afew other jewels.. whatever,the type of jewel they are all magnificent to the eye & of high quality. Indians love jewelleries so much as it fills a important aspect in their daily life & is part of their tradition.that explains why they are so many jewlleries in litte india area. However,this modern days they wear it only on special occasions like weddings,birthdays.. I believe Minora jewellers is one of the best amongst the rest in little india.
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