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    » 1 Review for “Miss ConfidAnce ” - Shopping (Online)

  1. vtay
     25 Nov 2007 at 6:41 pm
       Miss ConfidAnce - Shopping (Online)   Miss ConfidAnce - Shopping (Online)   Miss ConfidAnce - Shopping (Online)   Miss ConfidAnce - Shopping (Online)   Miss ConfidAnce - Shopping (Online)

    Miss ConfidAnce is an online shop that sells exclusive hand-made accessories.

    Miss ConfidAnce can set herself apart from other blogshops because the accessories sold there are all intricately designed and pieced together by the site's founder Elaine. The accessories exudes her personal style and has a unique flavour to it, which many other accessories-makers lack. What's also special about her creations is that she is able to merge vintage with modern styles to create a whole new spectrum of stylish and tasteful accessories which really sets the standards for other designers. Miss ConfidAnce also offers customizations for customers who wish to have their very own unique pieces of accessories. Rates of customizations differ according to the types and number of charms that the customer chooses, but rest assure it will still remain affordable and purse-friendly at the end of it! Satisfaction is guaranteed as Elaine would email you a photo of how your custom-made accessories look like, and you are allowed to have your own input (if any) of the final product. Miss ConfidAnce also provides good after sales service. Should the fragile components of your accessories fall off on their own accord, Miss ConfidAnce would be more than happy to take it back and fix it as long as it did not fall apart from mis-use or mis-handling. Materials used are of the best quality.

    Miss ConfidAnce will ensure you a good buy which is value for money, and make your online shopping experience a pleasurable one.

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